Neck of femur fracture | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年9月26日 · Neck of femur (NOF) fractures, or femoral neck fractures, are common injuries sustained by older patients who are more likely to have both unsteadiness of gait and reduced bone mineral density, predisposing to fracture.
Fractured Neck of Femur | FNOF | Orthopaedics - Geeky Medics
2020年12月14日 · Neck of femur (NOF) fractures typically occur in the elderly, with a predominance for women (4:1). However, they can occur in young patients as a result of high-energy trauma. In 2011, approximately 80,000 hip fractures were treated in the United Kingdom.
Femoral Neck Fractures - Trauma - Orthobullets
2025年3月6日 · Femoral neck fractures are common injuries to the proximal femur associated with increased risk of avascular necrosis, and high levels of patient morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis is generally made radiographically with orthogonal radiographs of the hip.
Neck of Femur Fracture - Subcapital - TeachMeSurgery
2023年4月20日 · In this article, we will look at the classification, anatomy, clinical and radiological features, and management of neck of femur fractures. Neck of femur (NOF) fractures can occur anywhere from the subcapital region of the femoral head to 5cm distal to the lesser trochanter (Fig. 1). Figure 1 – The bony landmarks of the anterior proximal femur.
Femoral Neck Hip Fracture - Physiopedia
Plain radiograph s (sensitivity 93-98%) is the first-line investigation for suspected Neck of Femur (NOF) fractures. Serious complications (for example avascular necrosis and non-union) are very common without surgical intervention.
Femoral Neck Fractures, Garden Classification - Physiopedia
Garden splits into four categories depending on the severity of the fracture and the degree of displacement. The fractures are graded, depending on the type, pattern and whether or not there is displacement of the bone: Type I is an incomplete fracture or valgus impacted fracture. Type II is a complete fracture without displacement.
Classifications in Brief: Garden Classification of Femoral Neck ...
Garden’s classification is based on AP radiographs of the hip (Table 1). Four types of fractures are included, incomplete and valgus impacted (Type I, Fig. 1 A), complete and nondisplaced (Type II, Fig. 1 B), complete and partially displaced (Type III, Fig. 1 C), and complete and fully displaced (Type IV, Fig. 1 D).
Garden classification of subcapital femoral neck fractures
2025年1月4日 · The Garden classification of subcapital femoral neck fractures describes femoral neck fracture displacement and aims to assist in clinical decision-making to reduce the rates of non-union and osteonecrosis 1,2,4. The Garden classification is the most commonly used system (c.2018) despite reported poor intraobserver reliability 4.
Femoral Neck Fractures Biomechanics - Physiopedia
NOF stress fractures are subdivided into two categories: Compressive type: occurs at the inferior aspect of the NOF. This type of fracture occurs when the forces applied to the bone are higher than the plastic properties of the bone. [3] eg Sideway falls (the leading cause of hip fracture in the elderly). [8] .
Nof fracture | PPT - SlideShare
2019年11月9日 · The document discusses femoral neck fractures, including: - Anatomy of the hip joint and blood supply of the femoral neck - Mechanisms of injury including low-energy falls in the elderly - Classification systems including Garden and Pauwel classifications - Clinical features such as pain on hip motion and inability to perform straight leg raises...