Nitryl fluoride - Wikipedia
Nitryl fluoride, NO 2 F, is a colourless gas and strong oxidizing agent, which is used as a fluorinating agent [1] and has been proposed as an oxidiser in rocket propellants (though never flown). It is a molecular species, not ionic, consistent with its low boiling point.
Nitryl fluoride | FNO2 | CID 66203 - PubChem
A strong oxidizing agent with fluorinating properties; Hydrolyzed rapidly by water producing nitric and hydrofluoric acids; Attacks mucous membranes; Causes burns to skin and eyes; Inhalation may cause laryngeal bronchial spasms and pulmonary edema; [Merck Index] Merck Index - O'Neil MJ, Heckelman PE, Dobbelaar PH, Roman KJ (eds).
三氟甲烷磺酸锌 | 54010-75-2 - ChemicalBook
ChemicalBook 为您提供三氟甲烷磺酸锌 (54010-75-2)的化学性质,熔点,沸点,密度,分子式,分子量,物理性质,毒性,结构式,海关编码等信息,同时您还可以浏览三氟甲烷磺酸锌 (54010-75-2)产品的价格,供应商,贸易商,生产企业和生产厂家,最后三氟甲烷磺酸锌 (54010-75-2)的中文,英文,用途,CAS,上下游产品信息可能也是您需要的。
Advanced Healthcare Materials - Wiley Online Library
2024年1月31日 · To enable diagnosis, an ONOO −-responded near-infrared fluorescent probe NOF2 is loaded into the CT-SCLMs. This nano-system can target the aHSCs and diagnose the liver fibrosis particularly in CCl 4 -induced liver damage, by …
A near-infrared xanthene fluorescence probe for monitoring ...
2018年9月25日 · Thus, a novel NIR xanthene fluorescence probe (NOF2) for the endogenous detection of ONOO − is designed and synthesized. The fluorescence of the NOF2 probe is pre-quenched by the hydroxyl protection group of diphenyl phosphinate. Additionally, the NOF2 probe exhibits good selectivity and sensitivity for ONOO − with a low detection limit of ...
A near-infrared xanthene fluorescence probe for monitoring
2018年11月5日 · Thus, a novel NIR xanthene fluorescence probe (NOF2) for the endogenous detection of ONOO- is designed and synthesized. The fluorescence of the NOF2 probe is pre-quenched by the hydroxyl protection group of diphenyl phosphinate. Additionally, the NOF2 probe exhibits good selectivity and sensitivity for ONOO- with a low detection limit of 0.40 μM.
NOF2 - CAS号查询 - 爱化学
十分钟带你认识Keap1-Nrf2-ARE信号通路 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Nrf2含有一高度保守的碱性亮氨酸拉链 (basic region-leucine zipper, bZIP) 结 构,基于Nrf2 的保守序列, Itoh 等将 Nrf2 分为 6 个结构功能域,并对这些结构功能域命名为 Neh1—Neh6 (Nrf2-ECH homology)。 Nehl 区域包含 bZIP 结构,当Nrf2转位到细胞核,bZIP与细胞核内小 Maf 蛋白 (small Maf proteins)形成异源二聚体,使Nrf2 能够识别、结合ARE,继而启动下游相关基因转录。
近红外氧杂蒽类荧光探针的设计、合成与生物成像应用研究 - 豆丁网
2020年7月15日 · 通过引入次膦酸酯基团 [-P (O)Ph 2 ],设计合成了一个用于检测内源性 ONOO - 的新型近红外荧光探针NOF2。 探针NOF2响应ONOO - 后的最大吸收波长位于680 nm,最大发射波长在近红外区为742nm。 探针NOF2对过氧亚硝酸根具有良好的选择性和 灵敏度,线性浓度范围0~40μM,检测限低至400nM。 另外,通过高分辨质谱的测定以及 结合时间密度泛函理论(TD-DFT)计算证实了NOF2对ONOO - 的响应机理。 探针NOF2有 着良好的生物相容性以及低细 …
Nitrosyl fluoride - Wikipedia
Nitrosyl fluoride (N O F) is a covalently bonded nitrosyl compound. The compound is a colorless gas, with bent molecular shape. [1] . The VSEPR model explains this geometry via a lone-pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom.