Nofing - Tired of doing so much?
Enough of all the hustle? With Nofing you can start doing nothing, 📈 track your progress, 🎁 get rewards, 🏆 compete with others & 🚀 stay motivated by seeing how much nothing others are doing. Start with Nofing
Nofing - Product Information, Latest Updates, and Reviews 2025 ...
Enough of all the hustle? With Nofing you can start doing nothing, 📈 track your progress, 🎁 get rewards, 🏆 compete with others & 🚀 stay motivated by seeing how much nothing others are doing.
I built this new app in a few days and you will love it! : r/SaaS - Reddit
With Nofing you can start doing nothing, track your progress, get rewards, compete with others & stay motivated by seeing how much nothing others are doing. It will help you to stay focused, be more productive, and have a better work-life balance.
我原价买到 Nothing phone 了!!! - 知乎专栏
2022年8月4日 · 现在香港的情况是可以买到的,但是小存量的没有了都是要256的才有白色。 买了寄回来要给13%的关税太贵了。 超级不爽。 后来辗转淘宝,淘宝要多收500+,原价3699HKB,淘宝要卖到3599RMB,觉得又太韭菜了。 (主要是今年穷,不然我一定咬牙买了! ),*不过本来也是为了尝鲜,没想过那么贵买。 而且淘宝也要再收13%关税的! 所以最后都是不了了之! 结果,前天突然看到小文章,澳门CTM可以买到! 澳门就简单多了! 以前有公司在澳门,所以立 …
外网博主「吹爆」的 Nothing Phone (1) 好用吗?上手之后我想 …
Nothing Phone (1) 内置了 10 套不同通知铃声和闪烁效果预设,用户可以根据自己的喜好选择,但无法进行自定义。 这些内置的铃声,配合 Glyphs 的灯效以及震动马达,可以带来视听与触感三重反馈,体验还是相当不错的。 可需要注意的是,如果你有光敏性癫痫的病史,尽量还是不要在这款产品背部 LED 模组闪烁时正视它。...
Nothing OS 3.0 | Open Beta 1 for Nothing Phone (1)
🚀 Updated setup wizard to version 3.0 for the smoothest introduction to Nothing OS. ⬅️ Enabled predictive back animations for apps that have opted in. 👆New fingerprint animation with signature dot matrix styling.
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雪球为您提供cool holdings inc(IFON)股票实时行情,资金流向,新闻资讯,研究报告,社区互动,交易信息,个股点评,公告,财务指标分析等与cool holdings inc(IFON)股票相关的信息与服务.
去年那个会发光的Nothing Phone,今年变得好用了_澎湃号·湃客_ …
2023年8月7日 · 2022 年 7 月,一家叫做 Nothing 的公司推出了一款引爆互联网的手机 Nothing Phone (1) 。 这款手机从名字到外观,可以说是与市面上的主流手机格格不入,个性程度直接爆表,甚至一度被炒高了价格。
_nofing_ (@__nofing__) • Instagram photos and videos
34 Followers, 484 Following, 37 Posts - _nofing_ (@__nofing__) on Instagram: "Life needs emotions, i try to capture and make them live."
Nofing - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
Nofing, a slang term that has recently gained popularity among the younger generation, is used to describe the act of doing absolutely nothing. It is often used as an excuse for laziness or lack of motivation. The term originated from the phrase "nothing to do," which was shortened to "nothin'."