Determining the noise floor of a signal in the frequency domain
White noise is easier to characterize because you would expect it to be flat in the frequency domain. I should have asked before, but what are the characteristics of your signal? How much of the band is filled by signal versus noise? Is the signal always present, or do you have a chance to observe noise only?
how to estimate the noise of a signal?
2015年5月4日 · By tracking the noise floor in each frequency band, the frequency dependence of the noise is taken into account. If the noise is non-stationary, its time dependence can be tracked by regularly updating the noise floor estimate in each frequency band. This usually requires the noise to vary more slowly than the desired signal.
Noise Floor - FlexRadio Community
2011年1月2日 · I live in a residential neighborhood and find that the noise floor on 20 meters using a three element SteppIR beam is around -110. RF gain is at zero.
noise floor estimation - Signal Processing Stack Exchange
2020年5月22日 · Noise floor measurements depend on what kind of noise you're expecting, and what kind of signal you want to keep out of that measurement, and for what purpose that measurment is made.
The Best Method to Reduce Noise Floor - FlexRadio Community
2011年1月2日 · After getting my ticket and working 291 entities and DXCC on 6-bands, you'ld think I'd be satisfied but the problem is that I just can't get anywhere close to DXCC on 160 and 80 with noise floors of S7+ on inverted L on 160 and double bazooka, worse with verticals.
Adjusting RF Gain on the Antenna -- which 'noise floor' do I use?
2011年1月2日 · My query regards the apparent difference in noise floor measurement/display between the panadapter (looks like about -120dBm) and the S meter in the flag showing -110dBm. Which one should I use in determining the noise floor? And which one should I use in determining if there is a 8-10db difference when I add an antenna and the RF Gain?
Understanding Peak in Spectrum Poking Through Noise Floor
2024年12月10日 · There is also random noise coming from some noise generator. The only difference between rooms is that the noise generator is turned up more in one. In each case, we get some curved noise floor until we turn on the signal generator and a spur/peak appears.
Curved noise floor and ugly unexplained peaks after FFT
2018年2月8日 · And is there sufficient low noise gain added in front of the spectrum analyzer (with a flat gain response) since the spectrum analyzer's own noise is typically at best 20 to 30 dB above the noise floor--- when measuring with a spectrum analyzer always ensure that the noise floor overall increases when you connect to your device being measured ...
Calculating estimated ADC Noise Floor from given specifications
2022年8月22日 · This is ultimately the SNR we care about whereas bad decisions due to the noise effect the bit-error-rate. A properly designed receiver would provide enough gain in front of the ADC such that the received noise from the signal dominates the locally generated thermal noise floor and quantization noise of the ADC.
Flex 6400M noise floor - FlexRadio Community
2018年4月8日 · My new 6400M has a -120dBm noise floor which equates to a constant S4 on the S meter with a terminated antenna input on 80M and 0dB gain. On 10M the noise floor is -114 and the S meter reads a constant S5 under the same conditions. Is this normal? I have not connected the radio to an antenna yet, I am still learning all the menu options with the help from friends who have 6000 series Flex ...