Nokia E66 - 百度百科
Nokia E66是诺基亚公司于2008年6月17日发布的一款手机产品。 Nokia E66的机身尺寸高107毫米,宽49毫米,厚13毫米,重量为121克,配备了一块2.4英寸1600万色的QVGA的显示屏。
Nokia E66 - Wikipedia
The Nokia E66 is a slider mobile phone in the Nokia Eseries range, a S60 platform third edition device with slide action targeting business users. It is a successor to the Nokia E65 with which …
Nokia E66 - Full phone specifications - GSMArena.com
Nokia E66 Symbian smartphone. Announced Jun 2008. Features 2.4″ display, 3.15 MP primary camera, 1000 mAh battery, 110 MB storage, 128 MB RAM.
秒杀E65超越E71 S60诺基亚E66性能评测 - 中关村在线手机 ...
而在今年,诺基亚公司想要在续经典,推出了以E65升级版为概念的全新商务滑盖手机—— E66。 采用了Symbian OS v9.2 操作系统 的E66到底在软件和硬件上相比前辈E65有哪些提升呢? 今 …
Nokia E66 Unlocked Phone with 3.2 MP Camera, International 3G, …
2008年7月21日 · The E66 integrates the latest Ovi services including maps, music and media sharing such as fast browsing with HSDPA, wireless LAN and 3G connectivity, Assisted GPS …
- 3.3/5(16)
【诺基亚E66参数】NOKIA E66手机参数_规格_性能_功能-ZOL中关 …
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Nokia E66 - Legacy Portable Computing Wiki
2024年10月30日 · The Nokia E66 (type RM-343, codenamed Dawn) is a business-oriented S60 slider phone announced in June 2008 and released in July of the same year. The E66 is the …
Nokia - E66 - Mobile Phone Museum
The E66 was a newer version of the Nokia E65, a voice-centric slider phone that was one of Nokia’s most successful Eseries devices at that point. It featured the stainless-steel casing …
【诺基亚E66】报价_参数_图片_论坛_NOKIA E66诺基亚手机报价 …
中关村在线为您提供诺基亚e66手机最新报价,同时包括诺基亚e66图片、诺基亚e66参数、诺基亚e66评测行情、诺基亚e66论坛、诺基亚e66点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买诺基亚e66手 …
Nokia E66 review: Nokia E66 - CNET
2008年8月18日 · With its sleek slider design, and lack of QWERTY keyboard, the E66 is the business phone to appeal to people who want the flexibility of a smartphone without …