Nøkk | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Karina Gaarddhøje, codenamed Nøkk, is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation Phantom Sight expansion alongside Warden. [1] [2] "Først til mølle. (First come, first served)"
虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - huiji.wiki
Nøkk的技能可以抹除其在敌方监控设备里的影像,且无法被敌方 标记:包括观测设备标记和触发 “棱镜”装置。 技能在正常运作期间不会消耗能量,可以无限使用。 技能在启动期间并非永远正常运作,某些情况会导致 技能异常。 技能异常时,自己的位置会在情报设施的视野中暴露出被干扰的状态 [3],同时消耗技能能量,最多10秒耗尽所有能量。 但仍然保留免疫标记效果。 进行放置拆弹器、拔除 蛊针陷阱 和部署次要装备等交互动作时。 技能发生异常时,Nøkk第一视角两侧会出 …
Nøkk | 特勤幹員 | 《湯姆克蘭西之虹彩六號:圍攻行動》 | Ubisoft …
基於國家安全和現正執行任務的考量,Nøkk 的資料受到北約機密安全許可證保護,但她的檔案已經對虹彩六號小隊公開。 Nøkk 就讀森訥堡的陸軍士官學校,並受丹麥皇家軍事學院錄取,以中尉頭銜畢業。 在擁有四次部署經驗之後,她又接受額外的特種行動培訓,透過自己在祕密行動、戰鬥搜救、直接行動、特殊偵察、極地作戰和高級攻堅方面的技能,贏得獵人兵團的栗色貝雷帽。 Nøkk 曾經在阿富汗和伊拉克服役,經常獨自深入敵營進行臥底工作。 她因為使用外科手術式打 …
Nokk - R6 Siege Operator Guide - Rainbow Six Siege Center
An in-depth guide to Nokk R6 Siege operator. Learn how to play Nokk with our guides on playstyle, utility, loadout, popular video guides, and more!
Nøkk | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Strike fear, infiltrate undercover and gather intel will be key to become Nøkk with the official Nøkk Cosplay guide! The Operator Cosplay guide includes a full 360 view of Nøkk’s Operator model, detailed close-ups of her Uniform items, guns and accessories, as well as the original color schemes and patterns.
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Nokk Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年6月3日 · Nokk is one of the stealthiest operators in the game. With her special gadget, the HEL Presence Reduction, she can erase her presence from defender surveillance cameras as well as silence her footsteps when she’s not sprinting. Her great stealth capabilities allow her to gain map control from roamers and flanking defenders.
R6S:NOKK的cosplay攻略! - 哔哩哔哩
关于彩虹六号:围攻中进攻方干员nokk的自制低成本cosplay攻略! 本文出现的物品都会在另一篇中提供t b链接 【头部】 原版头盔:180tb定制/自制约70?
Rainbow Six Siege operator guide: Nøkk
2024年7月1日 · Nøkk is a Rainbow Six Siege attacker introduced to the game on May 2019 with the release of Operation Phantom Sight. Nøkk's gadget is the HEL Presence Reduction, an ability that allows her to go invisible to cameras. Sounds unstoppable right? Well, although Nøkk's position in the current meta is strong, there are ways to stop her.
Rainbow Six Siege Nokk | How to unlock, playstyle, ability - GameRevolution
2019年5月23日 · In this guide, we’re taking a look at the mysterious attacker Nokk. Read on to learn everything there is to know about the new Rainbow Six Siege Operator, Nokk. We’ll go through how to unlock...
Nøkk - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
" Nøkk " is an attacking operator featured in the Operation Phantom Sight expansion for Rainbow Six Siege. Due to the introduction of an evaluation period in Operation Wind Bastion, both Nøkk and Warden are unavailable in competitive play for the duration of Operation Phantom Sight. [1] Counter-intel that wipes Nøkk's image from observation tools.
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