eCFR :: 7 CFR Part 205 -- National Organic Program
2011年11月9日 · The operation responsible for accepting imported organic agricultural products within the United States and ensuring NOP Import Certificate data are entered into the U.S. Customs and Border Protection import system of record.
Any person may submit a petition to have a substance evaluated by the National Organic Standards Board (7 CFR 205.607(a)). Guidelines for submitting a petition are available in the NOP Handbook as NOP 3011, National List Petition Guidelines. Petitions are posted for the public on the NOP website for Petitioned Substances.
Electronic Organic Import Certificates - Agricultural Marketing Service
Issuing Paper NOP Import Certificates (pdf) – this tip sheet provides instructions on how certifiers, in limited circumstances, can issue a paper NOP-IC when the GLOBAL INTEGRITY system is unavailable due to planned or unplanned outages. Resources for Trade Importers/Customs Brokers on the CBP website
See the full proposal below for justification behind the NOSB’s recommendation for percentages of cellulose and biobased requirements, allowance for virgin paper, and prohibition of glossy paper or colored inks.
eCFR :: 7 CFR 205.2 -- Terms defined.
National Organic Program (NOP). The program authorized by the Act for the purpose of implementing its provisions.
依据美国有机食品生产法案(OFPA)和美国农业部有机法规(7 CFR Part 205)和NOP手册(NOP Handbook)的要求,对企业的产品范围、过程范围和场所范围进行检查并颁发有机证书的行为。 美国农业部有机食品生产法(OFPA)、美国农业部有机法规 (7 CFR Part 205)和NOP手册(NOP Handbook)。 3.哪些企业需要申请美国标准(NOP)有机产品认证. 需要以“有机”产品出口到美国市场或与美国标准等同国市场的企业. 适用于生产(种植、野生植物采集)、加工、销售的产品 …
National List Changes—Paper Pots and Low-Acyl Gellan Gum
On December 14, 2022, the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) added the following materials to the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) and updated language as noted below: Materials must be virgin or recycled paper without glossy paper or colored inks and must meet the definition of “paper-based crop planting aid.
Paper pot transplanters in organic production
2020年3月26日 · The National Organic Program (NOP) movement on paper pot transplanter systems – more specifically, the materials and adhesives used in the paper pot chains – in certified organic production is a long-awaited answer for many small farms.
NOP has authorized continued use of these materials while NOSB completes its deliberation. Nitten paper chain systems, which are the subject of the petition, are used to facilitate transplanting closely spaced crops such as onions, salad greens, herbs, and others crops. In addition to paper, the
Any person may submit a petition to have a substance evaluated by the National Organic Standards Board (7 CFR 205.607(a)). Guidelines for submitting a petition are available in the NOP Handbook as NOP 3011, National List Petition Guidelines. Petitions are posted for the public on the NOP website for Petitioned Substances.