Nor1251 Class 1 calibrator - Norsonic Asia
The Nor1251 is a class 1 calibrator with an output level of 114dB @ 1kHz. The calibrator accepts full-inch cartridges right away and ½-inch cartridges by means of the included adaptor. An optional adaptor (the Nor1444) – available separately, permits the use of …
The Sound Calibrator Nor- 1251 has been designed to provide you with many years of safe, reliable operation. Your approach to the Nor-1251 documentation depends on what you want to do and how much you already know.
The Nor-1251 is a class 1 calibrator with an output level of 114 dB @ 1 kHz. The calibrator accepts full-inch cartridges right away and ½-inch cartridges by means of the included adaptor. An optional adaptor (the Nor-1444) – available separately, permits the use of …
Norsonic 1251 and 1252 Specifications : Nor 1251 and 1252
Norsonic 1251 and 1252 Specifications Nor 1251 : Sound Level Calibrators - class 1 precision The Norsonic 1252 has been withdrawn, the following details are for information
Being a class 0 calibrator the Nor-1253 is often referred to as the “electronic pistonphone” since it maintains an accu-racy normally associated with a pistonphone without the need for a barometer to make corrections for variations in the ambient pressure. The Nor1253 comes in two versions, producing 124 dB
Nor1255 Sound Calibrator - Norsonic
Nor1255 is a small battery-operated precision class 1 microphone calibrator generating 114 dB @ 1k Hz conforming to IEC 60942 and ANSI S1.40. Each Nor1255 sound calibrator is supplied with an individual accredited calibration certificate.
Sound level calibrator - Nor1251, Nor1252 - Norsonic AS - for …
Self compensating precision class 1 acoustic calibrator! Fully certified and individual accredited calibrated to international standards. Automatically adjusts for changes in the load volume applied to the calibration cavity thereby removing the need for the manual correction of the level for the effective volume of different types of microphone.
Norsonic nor1251 Manuals | ManualsLib
Manuals and User Guides for Norsonic nor1251. We have 1 Norsonic nor1251 manual available for free PDF download: User Documentation. Norsonic nor1251 Pdf User Manuals. View …
Norsonic 1251 Sound Calibrators for Hire, Nor 1251 - Gracey
Norsonic 1251 Specifications Delivered with a type 1443 adaptor for 1/2" microphones, small carrying case [pouch] and a current calibration certificate. Order a Nor 1444 1/4" microphone adaptor if required
Norsonic nor1251 Manuals & User Guides
View online or download 1 Manuals for Norsonic nor1251. Besides, it’s possible to examine each page of the guide singly by using the scroll bar. This way you’ll save time on finding the necessary info.