qss-3701 paper gamma setup - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
2024年11月1日 · When purchasing a new machine qss-3701, it is a genuine Noritsu calibration plate. Ceramic, not plastic. It has been 12 years since I purchased the machine qss3701.
How to enter service mode on QSS-2901 - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help …
2012年6月27日 · Press F then -1 key on the Noritsu keyboard. Or F1 then F9 on the main keyboard. Quote; ipixphotolab.
V30, Fixer 2 heater - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
2021年1月10日 · The SSR's are 2A not 3A on the V30/V50. The V50 uses a 400W heater for the CD and STB so the circuit board will handle a 400W heater, but the V50 has a cooling fan fitted where as the V30 does not, so there is a risk of the circuit board getting too hot with the extra load of a 400W heater on the V30.
Noritsu V30 Film processor - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
2008年3月26日 · Just bought a second hand Noritsu V30 machine to develop 35mm and 120 films but have no instructions or experience with these machines. I have only used a ra4 paper processor. I bought it on ebay and got some chemistry and other bits with it including paper magazines, aps film cutters, and other stuff that may have nothing to do with it.
Paper size problem - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
2024年12月2日 · Hello everyone, I have a problem with my qss-3411. When I print the size 12x18in (30x40cm), first page comes out normally, but the second one has an issue with cutter didn’t cut it as the first one so it will jammed in the printer.
Need A Qss 37 Series Parts Manual - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
2015年1月14日 · Until get new belt can use old. Just cut off loose threads on this belt, because can be banding. Might be you need to replace other parts - bearings, pulley... It is typical Noritsu problem. QSS3704 and QSS3701 have the same printer. Different only processor. I compared LP2500G2 and Fuji LP-7700 printer part lists and all parts are the same.
Noritsu 3202 Pump Replenishment Error - Mini Lab Help Forums
2011年2月18日 · We used to have a 2301SM with the Fuji SM2RA conversion kit, and boy was that a nightmare. Super glad to have sold that off. I learned more about re-plumbing a Noritsu machine than I ever wanted to know. There's an Australian company that has a SM to RA conversion kit that's supposed to be worlds better.... you might want to think about that.
T15 Operator's Manual - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
2018年10月12日 · QSF-T15LV is the same QSF-T15 . Difference - power pcb 2 board and few elements. From Noritsu can buy conversion sets ( to convert standard into LV ) . QSF-T15LV film processor can have standard specification, SM specification, or F specification.
Noritsu V50 Heating Issue - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
2025年1月8日 · Hello, I pressed the timer key on our Noritsu V50 this morning and it went straight to "Execute Start Check." It did not give me the "adjusting solution temp" prompt to heat the chemistry up like it normally does. I checked the temperature in the main menu and it reads all of the chemicals to be ...
QSS3701 7's part - Noritsu - Mini Lab Help Forums
Noritsu part no. D006710-00 Squeeze rack (#7) plastic body frame,,, without rollers, bushings and gears D006710-00 replaces ( old part no. D003891-00 ) long time ago Quote