Normal HRCT | Radiology Case - Radiopaedia.org
No focal pulmonary parenchymal or pleural abnormality. No thoracic lymphadenopathy. Heart size is normal.
HRCT: What It Is, Purpose, Procedure & Results - Cleveland Clinic
2024年3月8日 · An HRCT (high-resolution computed tomography) scan is an imaging procedure that healthcare providers use to get detailed pictures of the inside of your lungs. These pictures can show changes to the structures in your lungs; specifically, conditions that affect your small airways, air sacs (alveoli) and the tissues around them.
HRCT - Basic Interpretation - The Radiology Assistant
2006年12月24日 · In this article a practical approach is given for the interpretation of HRCT examinations. We will discuss the following subjects: Anatomy of the secondary lobule; Basic HRCT patterns; Distribution of abnormalities; Differential diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases
NORMAL HRCT CHEST - Radiology Template Reports
The pulmonary parenchyma has a normal appearance, with no nodules, ground-glass change, collapse, consolidation or emphysematous/cystic change seen. The expiratory and prone inspiratory images are normal. The pleural spaces are clear. The upper abdominal solid organs and bowel have a normal non-contrast appearance within the field of view.
High-resolution CT: normal anatomy, techniques, and pitfalls
High-resolution CT (HRCT) as a technique has shown an increasing role in the evaluation of known or suspected lung disease. To accurately interpret HRCT, an awareness of normal lung and pleural anatomy is essential. Knowledge of optimal HRCT technique is necessary to avoid misinterpretation and incr …
HRCT Indications, Technique, Radiation Dose, and Normal …
2016年9月3日 · High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is widely used in the evaluation of a variety of diffuse lung diseases. The goal of this introductory chapter is to discuss the basics of HRCT, including indications, technique, and normal …
High-resolution CT | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2020年5月27日 · High-resolution CT (HRCT) is a scanning protocol in which thin sections (usually 0.625 to 1.25 mm) are acquired and reconstructed using a sharp algorithm (e.g. bone algorithm). It has been classically used for:
HRCT of the Lung: Anatomic Basis, Imaging Features, Differential …
2012年11月23日 · Information is provided through high-quality color graphics of the normal secondary pulmonary lobule, normal airways, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and lymphatics followed by examples of HRCT anatomic abnormalities.
2021年3月13日 · 胸部HRCT是利用薄层CT图像(层厚≤1.5 mm)和高分辨率重建(锐利卷积核)算法来检测和表征影响肺实质和小气道的疾病。 随着多排CT(MDCT)扫描仪的发展和广泛使用,它能够在一次屏气中获得整个胸部的近各向同性数据,因此HRCT通常使用MDCT进行。 利用MDCT,容积数据可实现多平面(MPR)薄层HRCT重建,有助于评估弥漫性肺部疾病的分布,以及评估并存的局灶性肺部疾病,并应用后处理技术,如最大密度投影(MIP)、最小密度投 …
HIGH-RESOLUTION CT - Radiologic Clinics
2001年11月1日 · High-resolution CT (HRCT) is used routinely in evaluating patients with known or suspected, chronic or acute infiltrative lung disease. It is also indicated for the evaluation of small airway diseases, such as bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis.