r/Nostalgiacore - Reddit
r/Nostalgiacore: The old 2000 commercial type stuff. The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance
Nostalgia makes me so emotional I can hardly stand it, curious if ...
2020年9月25日 · Nostalgia isn’t just recalling the past, but a longing for it. That confused happy/sad is the bittersweetness of nostalgia. It’s happy because they were good memories, but also sad because they are now just that - memories.
Nostalgia makes me feel depressed : r/SeriousConversation - Reddit
2019年2月3日 · Nostalgia is just about as fake as movie references. I am not an ex-parrot. I am alive and living in the now. I never forget anything and I love everything, even the bad stuff. Its all part of life and its awesome. So yeah, I agree, nostalgia and nostalgic people bum me out too.
r/2000sNostalgia - Reddit
r/2000sNostalgia: This is r/2000sNostalgia! Welcome to the source of what makes 2000's kids feel nostalgic!
ELI5: What is nostalgia, how does it work, and why do I feel it?
Nostalgia typically comes over people when thinking of something good, but practically impossible to recreate. This is why nostalgia is so often linked to our youth, because it is a short and very intense part of our lives, and if we weren't born in a shit situation, it is a time of being sheltered and cared for with little responsibility or ...
RuneScape Nostalgia - Reddit
r/RunescapeNostalgia: Images, Video and Discussion of RuneScape's golden years.
What games on Roblox give the most nostalgia? : r/roblox - Reddit
2021年9月21日 · Nostalgia depends on the good experiences you had in the past only to come back to relive them, so that means you should pick your own nostalgic games based on your past experiences. Basing you choices by popular picks won't work most of the time, (unless you have played the game)
Nostalgia - Reddit
Nostalgia is often triggered by something reminding you of a happier time. Whether it's an old commercial or a book from your past, it belongs in /r/nostalgia. Here we can take pleasure in reminiscing about the good ol' days... times we shared with loved ones, both humorous and sad.
Nostalgia is hands-down the WORST feeling. It just sucks to be
2020年8月5日 · And nostalgia hits me super, super hard, so this quote can be helpful for that as well. Edit: two years later, things have gotten better for me and the waves have settled down quite a bit actually. If anyone finds this post, take it as an …
Gamesnostalgia - Discover Classic Games and download them on …
2015年12月14日 · Gamesnostalgia - Discover Classic Games and download them on your PC or Mac! (Abandonware and freeware)