Requirement of Split ends for Epigenetic Regulation of Notch …
2009年1月12日 · Spen is regulated by the Notch pathway in the lymph glands and is required for Notch-dependent activation of a large number of genes involved in energy metabolism and differentiation. Analysis of the epigenetic marks associated with Spen-dependent genes indicates that Spen performs its function as a coactivator by regulating chromatin modification.
The NOTCH Pathway and Its Mutations in Mature B Cell …
2018年11月26日 · In physiological conditions, SPEN is as a negative regulator of B lymphocyte differentiation into MZ B cells counteracting the activity of NOTCH (165). Mutations truncate SPEN C-terminal domain, which is involved in the interaction with RBPJk and is critical for NOTCH signaling activation.
经典信号通路总结——Notch信号通路 - 知乎
Notch受体是由Notch基因编码的单跨膜蛋白,在包括人类在内的哺乳动物中发现了 4种Notch受体(Notch 1,2,3,4)。 而Notch配体也是表达于细胞表面的单跨膜蛋白,相邻细胞通过Notch受体和配体的结合,传递Notch信号。
Spen modulates lipid droplet content in adult - Nature
2020年11月18日 · In the present study, we investigated the role of Spen as a potential regulator of lipid metabolism and Notch signaling in adult Drosophila glial cells, and determined the possible involvement...
Split ends antagonizes the Notch and potentiates the EGFR …
2007年9月1日 · Here, we report that the cellular defects caused by loss of spen function in the developing eye imaginal disc place spen as both an antagonist of the Notch pathway and a positive contributor to EGFR signaling during retinal cell differentiation.
2024年9月26日 · NOTCH通路通过 NOTCH、SPEN或GXYLT1突变 而集体失调,使其成为ACC发病机制的中心介质。 此外,NOTCH1、SPEN和GXYLT1之间的相互作用凸显了开发个性化治疗策略的必要性。
IndiSPENsable for X Chromosome Inactivation and Gene Silencing
SPEN had been studied for its role in gene regulation in the context of cell signaling, including the NOTCH or nuclear hormone receptor signaling pathways. More recently, SPEN has been identified as a major regulator of initiation of chromosome-wide gene silencing during X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in mammals, where its function remains to ...
The large and small SPEN family proteins stimulate axon …
2017年11月15日 · In mammals, the large and small SPEN-like proteins display similar context-dependence in the regulation of Notch signaling. The large SPEN family proteins MINT and SHARP both suppress Notch signaling by competing with the N intracellular domain (NICD) for binding to the core transcription factor RBP-J (Kuroda et al., 2003, Oswald et al., 2002).
Generation of a conditional knockout allele for mammalian Spen …
The mammalian Spen proteins Mint and its human ortholog SHARP interact with the Notch-signaling mediator RBP-J as well as Msx2 and several unliganded nuclear hormone receptors, and impart transcription-repressing activity to these molecules by recruiting corepressors through the SPOC domain.
Regulation of innate and adaptive immunity by Notch - Nature
2013年5月13日 · Inactivation of Msx2-interacting protein (MINT; also known as SPEN), which is a negative regulator of Notch signalling, resulted in increased MZB cell numbers 40, which is an...