Nouns DAO
What is Nouns DAO and How Does it Work? Build With Nouns. Get Funded. There's a way for everyone to get involved with Nouns. From whimsical endeavors like naming a frog, to ambitious projects like constructing a giant float for the Rose Parade, or even crypto infrastructure like Prop House. Nouns funds projects of all sizes and domains.
Nouns DAO
One Noun, every day, forever. Nouns DAO is an experiment on the Ethereum blockchain.
一文了解 Nouns 社区概要:由来、现状和成功原因_腾讯新闻
2023年2月1日 · 但随着越来越深入的研究,我惊讶地发现其社区有着更广范围的渗漏矩阵模式,现在不仅包括高度热情的 DAOs 致力于 Nouns 的部分所有权(即:SharkDAO ...
深入了解 NounishDAO:DAO、治理与文化符号的扩散
2023年6月26日 · 拍卖(auction)、NFT、DAO. Nouns每天拍卖一个NFT,拍卖所得的ETH会全部进入一个公开透明的DAO国库(treasury)里,由社区成员发起提案申请花费国库的资金来传播Nouns眼镜⌐ - 的文化符号,提案是否能通过由NFT持有者进行投票决定,1个Nouns为1票。 Nouns网站的定义:
Intro | Nouns Center
Nouns DAO, which is based on Compound Governance, is also the main governing body of the Nouns ecosystem. Each noun is an irrevocable member of Nouns DAO and entitled to one vote in all governance matters.
Nouns Center
Learn about getting funded by Nouns and apply. Meet the growing list of projects and members of the Nouns ecosystem. The knowledge center and resource hub for Nouns DAO. Learn about the project, the community and ways to get involved and funded.
一文深入剖析Nouns DAO治理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年8月5日 · 从2021年8月8日开始,Nouns协议每24小时生成并拍卖一个Noun,从Noun 1开始——Noun 0是为创始人们准备的,或称之为Nounders。 它应该永远这样做下去。 今天,Nouns协议拍卖了397号Noun。
Nouns DAO
What is Nouns? Get Funding Today's Noun Blog. Help us build a more fun, optimistic future. An internet experiment in funding good.
Dev | Nouns Center
The knowledge center and resource hub for Nouns DAO. Learn about the project, the community and ways to get involved and funded.
Nouns Builder | Nouns your ideas
Nouns Builder is a tool that allows any DAO to form and govern completely onchain, in the format of Nouns DAO. Nouns are an experimental attempt to improve the formation of onchain avatar communities.
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