November 22 - Wikipedia
November 22 is the 326th day of the year (327th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 39 days remain until the end of the year. 498 – After the death of Anastasius II, Symmachus is elected Pope in the Lateran Palace, while Laurentius is elected Pope in Santa Maria Maggiore. [1]
Historical Events on November 22 - On This Day
Historical events for the 22nd of November. See what famous, interesting and notable events happened throughout history on November 22.
11月22日 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
11月22日 是 公历 一年中的第326天(闰年 第327天),離全年的結束還有39天。 美国总统肯尼迪在达拉斯 遇刺身亡。 DHL的一架空中客车A300货机 在巴格达 被导弹袭击 后迫降。 B-2幽灵战略轰炸机 首次展出。 1076年: 王安石 第二次罢相。 1307年: 教宗克勉五世 传令欧洲各国君主,要求抓捕 圣殿骑士团 所有成员并抢占他们的资产。 1497年: 葡萄牙 航海家 瓦斯科·達·伽馬 绕过 好望角。 1574年:西班牙探險家 胡安·费尔南德斯 在智利海岸附近發現了一個 以他名字命名的 …
On This Day - What Happened on November 22 | Britannica
On This Day In History - November 22: anniversaries, birthdays, major events, and time capsules. This day's facts in the arts, politics, and sciences.
What Happened on November 22 - HISTORY
Discover what happened on November 22 with HISTORY's summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths. This Day In History: 11/22/1963 - Kennedy Assassinated 2014
What Happened on November 22 - On This Day
2012年11月22日 · Who lead the 1st European expedition to the American west? Which President gave the Gettysburg address? Search the largest and most accurate independent site for today in history. What happened on this day in history, November 22. See what historical events occurred, which famous people were born and who died on November 22.
More on this Day - November, 22 | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
November 22, 1868 - November 7, 1967 John Nance Garner was the 32nd vice president of the United States (1933–41) in the Democratic administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He maintained his conservatism despite his prominent position...
11月22日 - 百度百科
好夫妻日,即每年的11月22日,取自 双关语 11月22日=いいふうふ。 于1988年设立,宗旨在于促进夫妻感情与 家庭和睦 。 在“好夫妻日”这天,夫妻应更加相互感恩,相互重视 [120] 。
Today in History - November 22 - Library of Congress
On Friday, November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shot as he rode in a motorcade through the streets of Dallas, Texas; he died shortly thereafter. The thirty-fifth president was forty-six years old and had served less than three years in office.
November 22 Events in History - Have Fun With History
2024年7月26日 · On November 22, numerous significant events have taken place throughout history, shaping the world in various ways. From the election of Pope Symmachus in 498 to the sentencing of Ratko Mladić in 2017, these events reflect the diverse and far-reaching influence of this day in history.