APL designs and manufactures cost-efficient and innovative technology with a focus on products in the interface between the seabed and the floating units. APL, founded in 1993, is one of the …
APL After-Sales and Services - NOV
APL has provided service to the offshore production industry for more than 25 years. Our technology engineers and After-Sales and Services team collaborate closely to ensure quality …
Submerged Swivel and Yoke - NOV
The APL™ SSY provides an innovative solution, transporting gas directly through a subsea pipeline without the need for a jetty. SSY is based on APL’s proven technology components …
NOV | APL (APL Norway) - Norwep
Its foundation was based on the need for a reliable mooring and fluid transfer system in harsh environments offshore Norway and the UK. Today, APL technology offers solutions for harsh …
APL - LinkedIn
From oil and gas to e-fuels, floating offshore wind and CO2 transfer, our #APL technology is proven to perform. Learn more: nov.com/APL. 🚢 Big milestone for APL!
National Oilwell斥资5亿美元收购APL - 新浪财经
新浪财经讯 北京时间9月13日晚间消息,近海钻探设备制造商National Oilwell Varco Inc (NOV)宣布,将以5亿美元现金收购Advanced Production and Loading PLC (简称APL),后者是BW …
National Oilwell斥巨资收购APL - 综合新闻 ... - 国际船舶网
2010年9月16日 · 北京时间9月13日晚间消息,近海钻探设备制造商National Oilwell Varco Inc (NOV)宣布,将以5亿美元现金收购Advanced Production and Loading PLC (简称APL),后者 …
APL – Mooring Systems and Related Technologies
APL, established in 1993, stands as a global leader in creating cost-efficient, innovative technologies that bridge the gap between seabed and floating units. Initially founded to …
NOV Submerged Turret Production - Oil and Gas World
2021年4月30日 · NOV APL Submerged Turret Production is a turret mooring system for FPSO vessels suitable for seas as high as 16 m Hs and water depths to 2600 m. The Submerged …
Gas Applications - NOV
Based on the proven Submerged Turret Loading (STL™) technology, APL deployed the world's first offshore liquified natural gas (LNG) terminal in 2005 and has since developed a suite of …