Nove Colli Home page | Official Site
Nove Colli is the cycling race which since 1971 has attracted the greatest riders in the sport. 200 km, for a fascinating journey through the Romagna Apennines, with room for some great local food.
Home / Nove Colli | Sito Ufficiale
Nove Colli è la corsa ciclistica che fin dal 1971 richiama tutti i più grandi sportivi. Ben 200 km per un affascinante percorso lungo l'Appennino romagnolo, con spazio alla gastronomia e al buon cibo.
Homepage Nove Colli | Offizielle Website
Nove Colli ist das Radrennen, das seit 1971 Sportler anzieht. Eine faszinierende, gut 200 km lange Strecke entlang des Appenins der Romagna, dabei kommen Gastronomie und gutes Essen nicht zu kurz.
Nove Colli 2025 - Elitewheels
The Nove Colli: A Journey Through Cycling Heritage. On May 18, 2025, the Nove Colli, a celebrated cycling event, will unfold in the picturesque town of Cesenatico, Italy. This prestigious Gran Fondo, honoring the legendary cyclist Marco Pantani, promises an unforgettable experience for cycling enthusiasts. History:
NOVECOLLI (@granfondonovecolli) • Instagram photos and videos
La 54a Nove Colli, in programma il 18 maggio 2025, sta pian piano prendendo vita! Tante conferme e novità per integrare tradizione ed innovazione e permettere a tutti di vivere le emozioni uniche che solo la Regina delle Granfondo sa regalare.
Nove Colli - highcadencecycling
The Nove Colli is held in the town of Cesenatico located in the stunning Adriatic Coast and birthplace of one of Italy’s most beloved cyclists, Marco Pantani. You can choose to ride the long course of 200 km and just under four thousand meters of climbing or a shorter version at 130 km and under two thousand meters of climbing.
2024 Nove Colli expands with new Gravel Fondo - Gran Fondo …
2024年3月6日 · Gravel riders who can choose between two new courses. All within the splendid atmosphere and quality of Nove Colli incluidng the finish line celebrations and iconic pasta party
Nove Colli Gran Fondo 2021 – Route, Climbs & GPX - Cycling …
Nove Colli Gran Fondo is one of Italy’s most famous and oldest cycling sportives. Described by the organizers as “the most passionate Gran Fondo in the world” , the event is held annually in the beautiful port town of Cesenatico on the Adriatic Cost.
The Nove Colli route | Official Site
Discover the Nove Colli route. Nove Colli is the Granfondo race which, since 1971, has attracted all cycling enthusiasts in Italy.
"Nove Colli" pagina ufficiale | Cesenatico - Facebook
"Nove Colli" pagina ufficiale, Cesenatico. 29,844 likes · 159 talking about this · 258 were here. Granfondo Internazionale Nove Colli di Cesenatico...