Find Icons with the Perfect Look & Feel | Font Awesome
Used by millions of designers, devs, & content creators. Open-source. Always free. Check out the all-new Sharp Solid icons, available in Font Awesome 6 Pro.
Bootstrap Icons · Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap
New in v1.11.0: 100 new icons! Free, high quality, open source icon library with over 2,000 icons. Include them anyway you like—SVGs, SVG sprite, or web fonts. Use them with or without Bootstrap in any project. Bootstrap Icons are published to npm, but they can also be manually downloaded if needed.
Material Design Icons - Icon Library - Pictogrammers
Following Google's Material Design guidelines for system icons, MDI is our largest library, touting over 7200 unique icons!
November 1 - Wikipedia
365 – The Alemanni cross the Rhine and invade Gaul. Emperor Valentinian I moves to Paris to command the army and defend the Gallic cities. 996 – Emperor Otto III issues a deed to Gottschalk, Bishop of Freising, which is the oldest known document using the name Ostarrîchi (Austria in Old High German).
Calendar Emoji - Emojipedia
Like 📆 Tear-Off Calendar and 🗓️ Spiral Calendar, commonly used as an icon for specific upcoming events or memorial dates. Also used for various content concerning time, date, schedules, planning, and observances and occasions more generally.
Releases · google/material-design-icons - GitHub
2020年8月31日 · Our latest update covers everything from sentiments to subways, and expands our system icon library to 933. Visit design.google.com/icons to see them all.
November 1 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1941 – American photographer Ansel Adams takes an iconic image of moonrise over Hernandez, New Mexico. 1942 – World War II: The Matanikau Offensive begins in the Guadalcanal Campaign, ending a US victory on November 4.
erikflowers/weather-icons: 215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS - GitHub
Weather Icons is the only icon font and CSS with 222 weather themed icons, ready to be dropped right into Bootstrap, or any project that needs high quality weather, maritime, and meteorological based icons! Get started at https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons/!
Font Awesome 5.1: 409 New Icons + More - Blog Awesome
2018年6月21日 · Add some personality to your UI by responding to your users with a meh or ROFL emoji icon. Mark off monuments and places of interest with our travel symbols in that map app you’re making. Or jazz up that editor or menu with new design-minded icons. So many emotes, so little time. Buses, maps, drinks, momuments, and your own concierge (bell).
下载和安装 - 和风天气图标
你可以使用多种方式下载和安装和风天气图标(QWeather Icons),包括npm、CDN、下载源代码或复制设计原稿。 使用 npm 快速的将和风天气图标安装在你的项目中,包括SVG图标、图标字体等等。 如果你需要使用图标文字,通过CDN @jsDelivr导入和风天气图标的样式表即可。 了解 如何使用和风天气图标文字。 下载图标和字体. 和风天气图标的所有设计文件已经发布在 Figma,你可以复制或编辑这些图标。 图标采用 知识共享署名4.0许可。 访问 Github 仓库,和风天气图 …