High non-photochemical quenching of VPZ ... - Wiley Online Library
2022年6月28日 · Leaves exposed to high light dissipate excess light energy in form of heat at photosystem II (PSII) by a process called non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Upon fast transition from light to shade, plants lose light energy by a relatively slow relaxation from photoprotection.
The coordination of OsbZIP72 and OsMYBS2 with reverse roles …
2020年8月16日 · Based on our findings, we propose the mechanisms responsible for the enhancement of OsPsbS1 mRNA accumulation on exposure to high light conditions and the repression of OsPsbS1 transcription under low light environments, which involve cross-talk among NPQ processes, the ABA signalling pathway and abiotic stress signalling.
Non-photochemical quenching triggered by abscisic acid
2023年12月22日 · Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a key role in drought. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), as a photoprotective mechanism, also plays an important role in different adversities. Although this mechanism is relatively understood, the relationship between ABA synthesis and NPQ induction under drought remains poorly defined.
Abscisic acid enhances alkaline stress tolerance in grapevines ...
2024年10月1日 · ABA not only regulates stomatal closure and osmotic regulation to resist salt stress, but also inhibits the decline of photosynthesis, maintain ion homeostasis, and modulates the antioxidant defense system of plants under stress. Notably, exogenous ABA can enhance the tolerance of plants to adverse conditions.
2024年9月5日 · 非光化学猝灭(non-photochemical quenching, NPQ)是植物应对强光和过量光的一种光保护状态。NPQ状态和捕光状态之间的切换与光辐照强度涨落的动态匹配是提高光合效率的一种新途径,阐明NPQ发生的分子机制对于通过基因工程优化NPQ过程从而提高农作物产量具有重要 …
Roles of xanthophylls and exogenous ABA in protection against …
2011年6月3日 · Protection from photodamage appears to be achieved by coordinated contributions by exogenous ABA and xanthophyll cycle-mediated NPQ. This variety of photoprotective mechanisms may be essential for conferring …
植物学进展集锦| NPQ、水稻早期胚乳和胚胎发育调控、水稻源库 …
2020年9月7日 · 华中农业大学王功伟团队在水稻中揭示了npq过程、aba信号通路和非生物应激信号之间的交叉互作机制. 非光化学猝灭(npq)是一个复杂的光保护过程,它对维持植物健康起着重要作用。psbs蛋白对npq的快速诱导至关重要,并在叶片中以剂量依赖性的方式起作用。
Exogenous ABA induces drought tolerance in upland rice: the
2014年6月8日 · To understand the differential function of exogenous ABA in the regulation of drought tolerance between two rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes, upland rice (UR, resistant to drought stress) and lowland rice (LR, susceptible to drought stress), photosynthetic parameters, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and the expression of chloroplast and ...
Non-photochemical quenching triggered by abscisic acid …
Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a key role in drought. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), as a photoprotective mechanism, also plays an important role in different adversities. Although this mechanism is relatively understood, the relationship between ABA synthesis and NPQ induction under drought remains poorly defined.
The coordination of OsbZIP72 and OsMYBS2 with reverse roles ... - PubMed
These results reveal cross-talk among NPQ processes, the ABA signalling pathway and abiotic stress signalling. The elaborate mechanisms may help enhance photoprotection and improve photosynthesis in rice.