NPX 300 - Power supply - Naim Audio
The NPX 300 power supply is a flexible and silent upgrade for multiple Naim products. Its new transformer and DR technology power regulators provide a cleaner power supply with less noise for better sound quality. It works with the 300 and 200 Series products, NDX2, and the NAC-N 272 with specific cables.
活用性十足-Naim NPX 300 電源供應器 - U-Audio 新聞
NPX 300 搭載了旗艦電源 555 PS DR 的多項創新技術,例如獨特的 DR 穩壓器(Discrete Regulator),一共使用了 6 組,可為播放器提供更為乾淨清潔和穩定的電源。 NPX 300 的變壓器則有 6 個次級繞組,來為 6 組 DR 穩壓器供電,以徹底避免串擾。 當 NPX 300 為 NSC 200 串流播放前級供電時,NSC 200 原本的電源將只專注於數位電路,NPX 300 則只供電給類比放大電路使用,藉此隔絕數位雜訊的干擾。 如果這樣還不夠,甚至可以一次使用 2 台 NPX 300 為 …
NPX 300 - focalnaimamerica.com
Enhance your music experience by using the NPX 300 power supply. This power supply is ideal for the 300 and 200 Series sources and preamplifiers, including the NSC 222 streaming preamplifier. It works by deactivating the internal power supply, reducing noise, and improving power and performance.
绝美听觉体验!Naim Audio NSC 222+NAP 250+NPX 300 - 什么 …
2023年3月3日 · NAP 250是官方的NSC 222推荐搭配 功放,NPX 300属于升级部件,是一个从简洁到进阶的过程。 在流媒体数字音乐播放方面,NSC 222可以通过Focal&Naim App来访问TIDAL、Quboz,Spotify等音乐流媒体平台,也支持uPnP服务并有Roon Ready认证,最高能支持32bit/384kHz PCM、DSD128(仅限流媒体播放方式)的数字音乐文档播放。 对于苹果用户,还能使用AirPlay 2把音乐传送到NSC 222上播放。
Naim NSS 333/NPX 300 Review « 7Review
2024年12月1日 · The NSS 333 belongs to the 300 series and, with its solid aluminum cooling fins, makes a better impression in an audiophile setup than previous generations. Because they exercised pure British understatement.
拥有旗舰技术 感受Naim的精髓:Naim NSS 333 + NAC 332 + NAP 350 + NPX 300
2023年10月9日 · NPX 300采用了Naim旗舰产品Naim 555PS DR电源中的多项创新技术,例如通过专用Burndy电缆分离数字和模拟电源。 接上NPX 300后,有效降低本底噪音,并提供更加优质和清洁的电源。
Naim NSC 222 streaming preamplifier & NPX 300 power supply
2023年12月14日 · Continuing a Naim tradition, the NSC 222 streamer-preamplifier may be paired with the NPX 300 auxiliary power supply; for the seriously committed enthusiast, a second NPX 300 may be added to the system, providing the option of …
NPX 300 Power Supply - Pearl Audio
The Naim NPX 300 power supply is a serious upgrade from the older HiCap, and if you’re looking to boost your Naim setup, this is the way to go. One of the standout features is its new transformer and DR technology in the power regulators, which really help to deliver a cleaner, more stable power supply.
Naim Audio NPX 300 - StereoLand
Explore the Naim Audio NPX 300 at Stereoland for exceptional power supply. Enhance your audio setup with premium quality. Shop now for the ultimate performance!
Naim NPX 300 Power Supply - Upscale Audio
Naim NPX 300 Power Supply Optional PSU for 200 Series sources and preamps, including the NSC 222. Adding the NPX 300 to a Naim component deactivates the component's internal power supply and moves all of the high-current processing away from the signal processing.