National Socialist Factory Cell Organization - Wikipedia
The National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (German: Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation, NSBO or NSBZO) was a workers organization in Nazi Germany. In 1927, some NSDAP workers in large factories, located mostly in the Berlin area, joined as an alternative to social democratic and Christian labor unions.
Hermann Goering Speech - Calvin University
Background: Hitler had been in power only two months when Hermann Göring delivered this speech to the NSBO, the Nazi labor organization. It is a good example of the message Nazism presented early on: The country was in a mess, the Nazi Party would do something about it.
National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (NSBO) - NS-Doku
2025年1月16日 · The NSBO was founded in 1928 when several existing Nazi party works groups were merged. In 1931 it was incorporated in the Nazi party’s Munich-based Reich Organizational Administration, initially as a department and in 1934 as a main office. Through the NSBO the party pursued the goal of creating an organization to gather and recruit workers ...
NSBO, DAF, KDF and similar. - War-Relics
NSBO, DAF, KDF and similar. The NSBO was established in 1928 by NSDAP Factory workers. The DAF (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) absorbed the NSBO in 1935. The NSBO still functioned within the DAF with a focus on political interests of the workers and DAF as a whole.
NS-Betriebszellenorganisation (NSBO) - NS-Doku
Die NSBO wurde 1928 als Zusammenschluss einiger bestehender Betriebsgruppen der NSDAP gegründet. 1931 wurde sie in die in München ansässige Reichsorganisationsleitung der NSDAP eingegliedert, zunächst als Abteilung, 1934 als Hauptamt. Mit der NSBO verfolgte die Partei das Ziel, eine Organisation zur Sammlung und Werbung von Arbeiter*innen ...
纳粹德国的组织缩写 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NSBO: Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation; National Socialist Shop Organization; 国家社会主义商店组织机构 NSDAP: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; National Socialist German
尤·奈斯博 - 百度百科
《孤独的精确度》台译名《知更鸟的赌注》,是欧洲畅销天王尤·奈斯博精重磅之作,也是精确度(奥斯陆)三部曲的开篇之作。 奈斯博凭借这部《孤独的精确度》荣获年度最佳挪威小说,挪威最佳犯罪小说大奖,入围英国犯罪作家协会国际匕首奖。 《孤独的精确度》蝉联挪威销售排行榜冠军52周,被翻译成近40种语言,50多... 《警察》 (原作名:Politi)是 (挪) 尤·奈斯博所著一部悬疑小说,本书译者是林立仁,2017年由湖南文艺出版社出版发行。 《猎豹》是2016年11月湖南文 …
NSBO – Nova Scotia
Awards – NSBO; Executive & Area Supervisors; CABO. CBOC Website; Rules & Mechanics. FIBA Rules; FIBA Interpretations; 2020 Statements; Individual Officiating Techniques (IOT’s) 2018-2019 NSSAF Playing Rules; NSBO Interpretations; 2018-19 Exam and Answers; Two Crew Mechanics; Three Crew Mechanics; Nova Scotia Points of Emphasis; Faking;
National Socialist Factory Cell Organization - World War X Wiki
File:NSBO.svg. Standard of the NSBO. The Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation (National Socialist Factory Cell Organization) was a workers organization in Nazi Germany. In 1927, some NSDAP workers in large factories, located mostly in the Berlin area, joined together as an alternative to democratic and Christian labor unions.
National Socialist Factory Cell Organization - Wikiwand
The National Socialist Factory Cell Organization ( German: Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation, NSBO or NSBZO) was a workers organization in Nazi Germany. …