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新北市私立南山高級中學 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
南山學校財團法人新北市南山高級中學 (英語: Private Nanshan Senior High School,縮寫NSSH),位於 新北市 中和區 的一所私立 完全中學。 1941年在中國大陸 上海 創校,當時名稱為 私立正德技術 職業學校。 1946年更名為 南山職業學校,而學校正式成立的年份也是以此為基準。 1949年,由中國大陸撤退至 台灣,暫停辦校。 1957年6月,在台灣復校並奉准立案,校址位於 臺北縣 中和鄉 瓦磘村(今新北市中和區瓦磘里與枋寮里一帶),設置電機科、土木科、紡織 …
新北市私立南山高级中学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
南山学校财团法人新北市南山高级中学 (英语: Private Nanshan Senior High School,缩写NSSH),位于 新北市 中和区 的一所私立 完全中学。 1941年在中国大陆 上海 创校,当时名称为 私立正德技术 职业学校。 1946年更名为 南山职业学校,而学校正式成立的年份也是以此为基准。 1949年,由中国大陆撤退至 台湾,暂停办校。 1957年6月,在台湾复校并奉准立案,校址位于 台北县 中和乡 瓦磘村(今新北市中和区瓦磘里与枋寮里一带),设置电机科、土木科、纺织 …
North Shore Senior High School (Texas) - Wikipedia
North Shore Senior High School is a secondary school located in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, United States in Greater Houston. [5][6][7] The school includes grades 9 through 12 on three campuses, and is part of the Galena Park Independent School District (GPISD).
Campus Information / Campus History
North Shore Senior High School is a 10th 11th and 12th grade campus with the addition of 10th grade (in 08), which originally opened in 1965, but relocated to a new campus in the spring of 1999. The original North Shore Senior High campus still remains operational as the North Shore 9th grade center.
5 天之前 · Though initially skeptical about public procurement, he learned about the National SC-ST Hub (NSSH) scheme and participated in its Awareness and Special Vendor Development Programs. With support from the NSSH Office in Bangalore, he successfully tendered for the Food Corporation of India, securing an order worth Rs 7.23 Crore.
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National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) - NSIC ...
The National SC-ST Hub Scheme, one of the flagship schemes of Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises is implemented by The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC). It is supported by a Special Cell at Corporate Office, New Delhi and 15 NSSH Offices across the country created for this purpose.
The National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub
The National SC/ST Hub has been set up to provide professional support to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs to fulfil the obligations under the Central Government Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises Order 2012, adopt applicable business practices and leverage the Stand-Up India initiative.