Amazon.com: NuForce
NuForce, part of Optoma Technology, is a world leading designer and manufacturer of award-winning Wireless Headphones and other audio products. With a focus on premium quality and functional style, products are designed for Audio Enthusiasts. NuForce products deliver stunning, crystal clear and exceptional sound with ultimate reliability.
Amazon.com: NuForce BE FREE6 Truly Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds …
2019年7月3日 · Experience next-level personal audio with the Optoma NuForce BE Free6 truly wireless earbuds. Combining a comfortable fit with the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology, IPX5* water-resistance and incredible battery life, the BE Free6 delivers truly wireless audiophile sound, whether it’s a quiet commute, intense workout, captivating podcasts or ...
發現桌上新世界-NuForce Icon迷你擴大機(上) - U-Audio 試聽 …
NuForce將其專利的D類放大技術授權給一家IC設計公司,將原本是一百多顆零件的電路縮在這塊編號為NF12X201的音效晶片中,可輸出12瓦功率。 另外,NF12X201並不包含耳機驅動電路,因此Icon具備一組獨立的耳機放大線路,輸入級為雙差動輸入,輸出則是直接耦合(DC ...
About - NuPrime Audio
During his tenure, NuForce secured three US patents and emerged as a leading innovator in Class D amplifier design. In 2014, with the backing of investors, he established NuPrime Audio and acquired the assets of NuForce’s high-end division.
Amazon.com: NuForce Optoma BE Free8 Truly Wireless Premium …
2017年9月28日 · The NuForce be Free8 truly wireless earbuds are engineered to deliver the best truly wireless sound experience, integrating premium audio and design technologies to deliver crystal clear sound, with no lag or connection issues.
通勤聆聽真方便-NuForce BE Free8真無線耳機 | U-Headphone 耳 …
2018年2月23日 · NuForce BE Sport4是一副針對運動愛好者所需而打造的耳機,IPX5等級的防水防汗,讓您盡情揮汗,即便路跑遇到下雨也不怕。 杜邦專利Kevlar防彈絲強化的耳機線,不怕拉扯。
冷门的四单元动铁耳机,评价两极分化—NuForce HEM8
2018年9月8日 · HEM系列取自Hi-Res Ear Monitor缩写,是NuForce针对Hi-Res打造的全新动铁单元监听式耳机系列。 HEM系列耳机说是最新产品,其实也不能算新了,在2016年已经发布。
NuForce入耳式耳機 分類及價錢 - 香港格價網 Price.com.hk
比較超過14 NuForce入耳式耳機 的價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障
日本众筹神话,风头不逊索尼——NuForce真无线耳机评测 - 知乎
除了灯效的交互指示,NuForce Be Free8在左右耳塞上各仅有一个还比较隐蔽的物理按键,不过左耳是主机,其按键承担多种功能;右耳的按键仅为开关机键,操作逻辑如下图:
NuForce 是奥图码数码科技旗下的音频品牌,提供高品质耳机、音响和音频设备。