Ophthalmology (Eye Specialists) in Singapore | National ... - NUH
Our team of experienced eye specialists manages the full spectrum of eye conditions, from common diseases such as cataract, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration to rare conditions such as ocular inflammation, eye cancers and inherited retina diseases.
Our Services | National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore's …
NUH Ophthalmology offers a comprehensive range of sub-specialties, diagnostic and therapeutic services for both adults and children. Our approach involves unique multi-disciplinary and multi-modality methodologies. We work closely with other specialties to provide comprehensive patient services and treatments.
Our Doctors | National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore's …
Meet the team of ophthalmologists at National University Hospital (NUH) in Singapore.
Dr Gangadhara Sundar - National University Health System - NUHS
Dr Ganga was instrumental in starting various multidisciplinary services including the NUH Retinoblastoma service (with paediatric oncologists, neuro-interventional radiologists and pathologists), NUH Thyroid Eye Disease Service (with Endocrinologists & immunologists) and the NUH Lacrimal Service (with Rhinologists).
Events By NUHS EYE
The NUH Oncular Surface, Dry Eyes & Dacryology Symposium 2022. Ophthalmic Oncology Symposium 2022. 36th Anniversary International Eye Conference 2022. Eyelid & Oculofacial 2019. Imaging & Electrophysiology 2019. Department Of Ophthalmology Research Symposium 2019 (DOORS 2019) Symposium: Advances in Medical Retina 2018.
A/Prof Tan Woon Teck Clement - National University Health …
A/Prof Clement Tan is a Senior Consultant who heads the Neuro-Ophthalmology Service at National University Hospital.
Dr Marcus Tan Chun Jin - National University Health System - NUHS
Dr Marcus Tan C.J. is a Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Deputy Group Chief Technology Officer of the National University Health System (NUHS), Consultant in the Department of Ophthalmology, National University Hospital …
NUH Eye Surgery Centre @ National University Hospital (NUH) …
NUH Eye Surgery Centre is located at National University Hospital (NUH) Medical Centre, 1 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Tel 6908 2222, view NUH Eye Surgery Centre location, products and services on Streetdirectory Map
Contact Us | National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore's …
For any LASIK inquiries, please call +65 6776 2015 or email [email protected].
NUH/NUS 36th Anniversary International Eye Conference - NUHS EYE
NUH 36th Anniversary will focus on two key areas: (1) Recent advances in ophthalmic innovation and (2) Multi-disciplinary management of ophthalmic conditions. NUH Dept of Ophthalmology is uniquely embedded within a tertiary hospital with fully developed specialities.