Nulka - Wikipedia
Nulka is an Australian-designed and -developed active missile decoy built by an American/Australian collaboration.
Nulka is highly effective against current and new generation anti-ship missiles (ASMs). Operational Features • Broadband to encompass all current and new generation ASM seekers • High gain and effective radiated power for large ship protection • Fast warm up for short reaction time • Self-contained signal processing for
2017年9月14日 · 近期,美国神剧《末日孤舰》第4季第4集中,又出神剧情:伯克级驱逐舰在探测到导弹来袭后,迅速发射了一种名为“纳尔卡”(Nulka)的悬浮式电子干扰弹,干扰弹并没有立即爆炸,而是像无人机一样滞空,随即干扰系统的显示屏上出现了神奇一幕:在战舰驶过 ...
“纳尔卡”有源诱饵完成交付 - 搜狐
2017年5月17日 · Nulka 是澳大利亚最大和最成功的国防出口之一。Nulka是一种先进的自主悬停的有源诱饵,它通过发射复杂的电磁信号引诱反舰导弹偏离目标。 澳大利亚BAES公司是负责Nulka系统的设计,开发,集成和支持的主要承包商。
Air Weapons: Nulka Replacement Decoy Drone
Since 2019 the U.S. Navy has been developing a Nulka replacement called the Long Endurance Airborne Platform or Leap. Similar to Nulka, Leap stays in the air longer and uses improved decoy electronics, including the ability to network with nearby Leap units to provide more effective protection for nearby ships.
NULKA主動式誘餌 - mdc.idv.tw
美國與澳洲合作開發的Nulka是一種離艦主動消耗性反制誘餌(off-board Active Expendable Decoy,AED),與傳統誘餌相較有兩大不同之處:第一是具有飛行控制能力、程式化的飛行模式以及較長的滯空時間,第二則是本身就擁有電磁干擾波發射器,故為「有源式」反制裝備。 將主動電磁波反制裝置搬上發射式誘餌是近年來新一代艦載消耗性反制裝備的發展趨勢,導致此種趨勢的客觀環境之一就是反艦飛彈 日漸進步。
纳尔卡舷外有源诱饵作战使用研究_侯学隆 - 道客巴巴
2021年12月22日 · 详细介绍了纳尔卡弦外有源诱饵的技术性能和典型的作战流程,分析了其干扰方式及使用要求,介绍了该型诱饵的实战应用情况,并根据上述情况分析了纳尔卡弦外有源诱饵的作战优势及不足。 对深入理解纳尔卡舷外有源诱饵技术思路和作战机理,研究应对破解之策提... No. 11Nov. 2021第 11 期2021 年 11 月飞 航 导 弹AERODYNAMIC MISSILE JOURNAL纳尔卡舷外有源诱饵作战使用研究侯学隆,曾家有,赵遇春(海军航空大学,山东烟台 264001)摘 要:纳 …
Nulka | L3Harris® Fast. Forward.
The Nulka decoy system, being developed in cooperation with Australia, is an integral part of the ship self defense system against active RF anti-ship missile attacks on most U.S. Navy ships.
MK-53 Nulka Decoy Launching System (DLS) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The Decoy Launching System (DLS) Mk 53 (NULKA) is a rapid response Active Expendable Decoy (AED) System capable of providing highly effective defense for ships of cruiser size and below against...
Nulka - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
Nulka is an active missile decoy system developed by BAE Systems Australia under a collaborative program between the governments of Australia and the United States. This anti-ship missile protection system has been adopted by warships of …
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