Astana - Wikipedia
In March 2019, the Kazakhstani government renamed the city Nur-Sultan to honour the country's outgoing long-term authoritarian president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. [45] In September 2022, …
Nursultan Nazarbayev - Wikipedia
Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev[2][note 1] (born 6 July 1940) is a Kazakh politician who served as the first president of Kazakhstan from 1991 to 2019. [3][4] He also held the special title of …
Nursultan - Wikipedia
Nursultan (Kazakh: Нұрсұлтан, Nūrsūltan, [no̙ɾso̙ɫtɑn]) is a Kazakh male name of Arabic origin. Nur sultan can be literally translated as "radiant sultan ", "the sultan of sunlight" in Arabic. Nur …
2022年9月17日 · 哈萨克斯坦首都坐落于哈萨克斯坦北部的伊希姆河畔,是世界上第二寒冷的首都(最寒冷的首都是蒙古首都乌兰巴托),历史上曾几度更名,这背后折射出这块土地的历史变 …
哈萨克斯坦首都,又改名了!正式改回“阿斯塔纳”_阿克莫拉_国家_ …
2022年9月29日 · 阿克莫拉作为沙俄军事哨所,始建于1824年,最初命名为阿克莫林斯克(Akmolinsk),是个由哈萨克语和俄语混合而成的地名,含义为“白色坟墓之城”。 努尔苏丹· …
Astana | Capital, Kazakhstan, Economy, Map, Pronunciation
2025年2月5日 · Kazakh Pres. Nursultan Nazarbayev spent vast sums of the country’s oil profits on a drastic expansion and reconstruction of Astana. The government hired Japanese …
City of Nur-Sultan | 欧洲的世界遗产之旅 - visitworldheritage.com
Immerse yourself in Kazakhstan's capital city by visiting some of the country's most important landmarks, including the fascinating National Museum. Nur-Sultan (formerly known as Astana) …
Nur-Sultan | Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington, D.C.
Nur-Sultan’s favourable location in the centre of the Eurasian continent makes it an economically advantageous transport, communication, logistics and financial center - a natural bridge …
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan: A Vibrant City That Honors its Past
NUR-SULTAN – On July 6, Kazakhstan’s capital Nur-Sultan celebrates its 23rd birthday. The young rapidly growing city sprung into existence around the small town of Akmola back in …
Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, is a modern and rapidly developing city known for futuristic architecture like the Baiterek Tower and Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. With a …