nutmeg - قاموس WordReference.com إنجليزي - عربي
nutmeg n (seed) (بذرة) جوزة الطيب : Jeff doesn't like ground spices and always buys his nutmeg whole. لا يحبّ جف التوابل المطحونة، لذا يشتري دائمًا جوزة طيب كاملة. nutmeg n (tree) (شجرة) جوزة الطيب : Nutmeg is …
Nutmeg in Arabic & English (with pictures) - Arabic Names
How to say Nutmeg in Arabic? Nutmeg is called جوزة الطيب in Arabic Explore more Common Spices like Nutmeg or learn more Arabic Vocabulary
Herbs and spices in Arabic - Selfarabic
How to say nutmeg in Arabic? Nutmeg in Arabic is جَوْز الطّيب [jawz aT-Tiib]. Below you can find a list of the Arabic names of the most common herbs and spices. The list includes simplified …
NUTMEG - Translation in Arabic - bab.la
Translation for 'nutmeg' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations.
How to say nutmeg in Arabic - WordHippo
Need to translate "nutmeg" to Arabic? Here are 2 ways to say it.
nutmeg - Arabic translation - English-Arabic dictionary | Tarjamaan
Translation of nutmeg from English to Arabic: الجوز - جوز الطيب - جوزة الطيب ... Examples of translations through several bilingual sentences
nutmeg in Arabic - English-Arabic Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of "nutmeg" into Arabic . جوزة الطيب, جَوْزَة اَلطِّيب, جوز طيب are the top translations of "nutmeg" into Arabic.
N U T M E G - S H I N G O T E X
English Name: Nutmeg Arabic Name: جوزة الطيب (Jawzat Al-Tayyib) Chinese Name: 豆蔻 (Dòu Kòu) Spanish Name: Nuez Moscada Japanese Name: ナツメグ (Natsumegu) Origin: Nutmeg is …
nutmeg - الترجمة إلى العربية - أمثلة الإنجليزية | Reverso Context
الترجمات في سياق nutmeg في الإنجليزية-العربية من | Reverso Context: After dinner, we enjoyed a rich coffee whip with a hint of nutmeg.
Nutmeg translation in Arabic | English-Arabic dictionary - Reverso
Nutmeg translation in English - Arabic Reverso dictionary, see also 'nutmeg, nut, nutter, number', examples, definition, conjugation
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