滚子随动器 NUTR/支撑型 - 米思米(misumi)官网
米思米官网为您提供滚子随动器 NUTR 支撑型一站式批发采购,同时提供INA凸轮轴承随动器/滚子轴承随动器相关产品图片、价格、参数、规格型号、评价交期、CAD数据等详细信息供您参 …
INA NUTR4090-A轴承尺寸、参数、图纸、价格 - INA轴承型号中心 …
6 天之前 · INA NUTR4090-A轴承属于支承滚轮轴承 NUTR 系列,满装圆柱滚子,带轴向引导,两侧采用迷宫式密封。 INA NUTR4090-A轴承的市场价为185.99元,当前库存1363件,添加日期:2023-08-25 11:00:34.
NUTR4090-A INA • ABF Store
The NUTR4090-A INA is a track roller or support roller with cylindrical rollers. These rolling elements combine a high load capacity with reasonable shock resistance. Track rollers are designed for use with various types of tracks. Thanks to a thick-walled outer ring, they can withstand high radial loads.
NUTR 4090 A - Support rollers (Yoke-type track rollers) | SKF - SKF …
Support rollers (yoke-type track rollers) are designed to run on all types of tracks and to be used in cam drives, conveyor systems, etc. They are based on a double row full complement cylindrical roller bearing with an inner ring and have a thick-walled outer ring with an improved crowned running surface.
NUTR 4090 A - Support rollers, with flange rings, with an inner …
See the technical specification for details.
SKF support rollers NATV, NATR, NUTR, PWTR, NNTR
SKF support rollers of the NATR design incorporate cage-guided needle rollers and permit relatively high speed operation. The outer ring is guided by the side washers which are pressed on the the inner ring; the washers form gap-type seals with the outer ring.
NUTR Series Yoke Type Track Roller Bearings - WD Bearing Group
Browse NUTR Series Yoke Type Track Roller Bearings in the WD Bearing Group catalog including Item #,Bore Diameter,Outside Diameter,Overall Bearing Width,Dynamic (Cr) Basic Load Rating,Outer Diameter (OD),CAD
NATR/NUTR/NATV 平挡圈支撑滚轮轴承 NUTR35 支撑滚轮滚针轴承
这是NATR/NUTR/NATV 平挡圈支撑滚轮轴承 NUTR35 支撑滚轮滚针轴承的详细页面。 订货号:NUTR35,品牌:其他,型号:NUTR35,NUTR30,旧型号:*,内径:35(mm),外径:72(mm),厚度:29(mm),保持架及其材料:*,重量:0.63(kg),用途:通用,样品或现货:现货,滚动体类型:*,滚动体列数:单列,滚道类型:*,使用特性:*,轴承材质:*,密封盖:双面密封,货号:NUTR35。 外径OutsideDiameter轴承型号BearingDesignationandmassapprox外形尺 …
Bearing NUTR 4090 A (SKF) | Size and Specification | Bearings …
Support rollers with flange rings NUTR 4090 A dimensions and specification.