Press Releases | NVJDC
March 5, 2025. For Immediate Release . Alexandria Sheltercare Program to Receive $61,480. for After-School Program for At-Risk Youth . Commission Chairman praises “the innovative program for at-risk youth
Home | Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center
The NVJDC provides secure detention and treatment services for male and female court-ordered residents between the ages of 10-18. The facility offers the following programs: Pre-disposition, Post disposition, Central Admissions and Placement (CAP), …
Information | NVJDC
All residents, no matter the assigned program or disposition receive access to educational, vocational, psycho-educational, behavior management, anger management, somatic health and behavioral health (including crisis intervention), family engagement, and visitation.
Commission Meetings | NVJDC
2025 Commission Meetings Meetings are held at the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center at 3:00pm unless otherwise indicated. Join Zoom Meeting
Visitation - NVJDC
2017年8月9日 · The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law by President George W. Bush on September 4, 2003. This legislation requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to develop new national data collections on the incidence and prevalence of sexual violence within correctional facilities.
The Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center continues to take preventative measures to protect the health and well-being of our staff and residents.
Employment - NVJDC
Join Our Team at the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center At NVJDC, we are committed to fostering a community where every individual's contribution is valued and where diversity and inclusion are more than just words—they are principles we uphold with pride.
About - NVJDC
The Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center (NVJDC) is a secure, detention facility located at 200 S. Whiting St in Alexandria, Virginia. The NVJDC is operated by the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Commission.
Sheltercare - NVJDC
The Sheltercare program was established in 1988 as a short-term group home to provide services and stabilization for youth. The program's mission is to provide a safe, structured, nurturing and supportive environment to the culturally diverse at-risk adolescent population in the community.