NW50-Clamps – Chemtech Scientific Incorporated
ISO Claw Clamp Style. All ISO Claw Clamp Style; ISO ISO-B Bolted Series Flanges. All ISO ISO-B Bolted Series Flanges; ConFlat Flanges (CF) All ConFlat Flanges; Accessories. ... Home » NW50-Clamps. NW50-Clamps. NW50 Chain Clamp for UHV Applications NW50-200-CC. $ 213.90. $ 372.00. NW50 Bulkhead Clamp (NW50-BC-PK10) $ 289.80.
Clamp - Bulkhead Clamp - NW50, C10517007 | ISO-KF Fastening …
They are ideal for achieving dependable cost effective performance down to 10-7 mbar across a range of applications from light to harsh duty. A simple fastening method means that systems can be easily assembled and a leak tight vacuum seal is quickly achieved.
真空配管用接頭 NW法蘭 | MISUMI | MISUMI【台灣三住】
MISUMI的真空配管用接頭 NW法蘭的選擇・訂購。 除了三住自有品牌外,還有國內外1800個品牌,900萬件以上的商品。 無最低訂購量,提供種類豐富的CAD檔案。 MISUMI的真空配管用接頭 NW法蘭,FA・模具零件、工具・工場消耗品的訂購就交給MISUMI。
Adapter / Reducer - ISO/NW - St St ISO63 - NW50, C10007118
ISO-K flanges are typically joined with claw clamps and can be converted/connected to ISO-F using a rotatable collar or half claws; For use in high-vacuum applications: pressures > 10-8 mbar
NW50 Bulkhead Clamp (NW50-BC-PK10) – Chemtech Scientific …
NW50-BC-PK10 (10) Bulk Head Clamps With Bolts & Washers Fits NW50, KF50, QF50 8 Bolts and Washers • A: 0.40" • B: 3.75" • C: 3.25" • Adapts to a baseplate or fixed high vacuum flange Uses Standard NW50 Centering Rings NW50 Vacuum Hardware Equivalents KF50, KF-50, K200, NW-50, QF50, ISO-QF PK10 Includes (10) NW50-200-BC Clamps
NW50 – Chemtech Scientific Incorporated
ISO Claw Clamp Style. All ISO Claw Clamp Style; ISO ISO-B Bolted Series Flanges. All ISO ISO-B Bolted Series Flanges; ConFlat Flanges (CF) All ConFlat Flanges; Accessories. ... 10" Reducing Flex Hose NW50 & NW40 Flanges (NW50x40-MH10-VE) $ 223.10. $ 388.00. 20" Reducing Flex Hose NW50 & NW40 Flanges (NW50x40-MH20-VE)
ISO-KF Vacuum Flange Wing Nut Clamps - MKS Instruments
There are a variety of clamp choices in the Series 31 line. The wing-nut clamp is hand tightened until metal contact is felt. A version of the wing-nut clamp with a washer is also available. The toggle clamp is convenient and easy to use.
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NW/KF(KleinFlange)規格は真空分野での低真空から高真空領域で使用される配管継手部品から構成されます。 同じサイズのフランジの間に、封止するためのOリングをつけてクランプで締め付けることで、真空を保つことができます。 NW/KF規格のクランプは一対のアルミボディをスイングさせてフランジに取り付けて蝶ネジで締めこみます。 これにより配管/継手を接合させ、真空装置や他機器間への真空引きができます。 NW/KF規格は、真空装置やコンポーネットを …
Clamp - Clamp for Metal Seals - St St NW50, C10517404
NW fittings, otherwise known as ISO-KF, are the industry standard for many applications in the low to high vacuum range. They are ideal for achieving dependable cost effective performance down to 10-7 mbar across a range of applications from light to harsh duty.
The ALUMINIUM swing clamp for the NW range of flanges from NW10 – NW50. These make for an easy and secure connection of the 2 flanges. These are compatible with the EDWARDS and LEYBOLD clamps.
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