NX-1000 Series portable radios are ready to serve in all public safety, public sector and commercial roles with flawless performance and advanced feature sets. In addition, enhanced and increased features extend the digital capability.
NuggetGT/NXO-Mod-Panel - GitHub
NXO is a high-quality, free mod menu packed with over 200 mods, providing endless customization and enhancements for your Gorilla Tag experience. 200+ Mods: Dive into a massive library of mods that push the boundaries of what's possible in Gorilla Tag.
Kenwood NX-1700 VHF Mobile Radio - PCI Race Radios
This Kenwood NX-1700 VHF radio boasts a full spectrum of features that most other radios cannot compete with. This radio is water resistant and can be used in both race and chase applications. The NX-1700 requires less power to transmit at 50 watts. This means less battery draw, and the capability to transmit at full s
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - 天线和铁塔 - NXO-100的磁环能工作在50MHZ …
2017年1月17日 · 我想做一副6米段的垂直DP,需要用到磁环做巴伦,查到一般短波用的NXO-100的磁环的最高频率只有20MHZ 左右,那我需要工作在50MHZ 的话 这个NXO-100的磁环是否适合? 望大神们解答。 人不可有傲气,但不可无傲骨........... 为什么要搞垂直DP呢? 为什么不用端馈半波天线? 或者八分之五GP? 后面两个都不需要磁环。 BEST 73! DE BA7QT/LIAO. 电流型应该木问题。 种一棵树! nxo100能做巴伦,但不知能否做天调? 算单的,伽马方式 馈电 物 …
NX-1700 VHF TRANSCEIVERS - NXDN or DMR digital CAI and FM …
[Suffix on the model no. stands for CAI:N=NXDN, D=DMR, and A=Analog Versions] (Availability varies depending on the market) NXDN or DMR digital CAI and FM analog only models are available
Kenwood NX-1700 (H) 50 Watt NXDN VHF Mobile Transceiver
Emulating the distinguished NX-3000 and NX-5000 series, the NX-1700H/1800H mobile radio supports multiple protocols – including NXDN and DMR – as well as mixed digital & FM analog operation.
& FM analog operation. As it’s packed with all the features essential for making the most of these digital CAIs, it clearly qualifies as a cost-effective solution for numerous enterprise- and operatio.
北京七星飞行电子有限公司 - 798.com.cn
具有起始磁导率高的特点。 适宜于1MHz~50MHz的频率范围内工作,适用于各类高频宽带器件,如各类电感器、高频天线、高频干扰抑制器等.
NX2406启动问题 NXOpen 签名已过期,不再视为已签名。 - UG编 …
2024年11月2日 · 2406启动后弹出提示,图片中内容,是安装问题吗?关闭后也能使用,有没有什么影响呢,求指导! NX2406启动问题 NXOpen 签名已过期,不再视为已签名。 ,UG爱好者
Radio Wholesale - Kenwood Authorized Dealer
Emulating the distinguished NX-3000 and NX-5000 series, the NX-1700H/1800H mobile radio supports multiple protocols including NXDN and DMR as well as mixed digital & FM analog operation. As it s packed with all the features essential for numerous enterprise and operation-critical applications.