Welcome to nxviz’s documentation! — nxviz 0.3 documentation
2017年9月18日 · nxviz is a graph visualization package for NetworkX. With nxviz, you can create beautiful graph visualizations by a declarative API. Here’s an example. This is free software distributed under the MIT License. ## Installation. We recommend using [conda]. Alternatively, it is also available on [PyPI].
nxviz · PyPI
2025年3月1日 · nxviz: Composable and rational network visualizations in matplotlib. nxviz is a package for building rational network visualizations using matplotlib as a backend. Inspired heavily by the principles espoused in the grammar of graphics, nxviz provides ways to compose a graph visualization together by adhering to the following recipe:
ericmjl/nxviz: Visualization Package for NetworkX - GitHub
nxviz is a package for building rational network visualizations using matplotlib as a backend. Inspired heavily by the principles espoused in the grammar of graphics, nxviz provides ways to compose a graph visualization together by adhering to the following recipe: Prioritize node placement, mapping data to position and visual properties,
nxviz: Rational Graph Visualization in Python - GitHub Pages
nxviz is a package for building rational network visualizations using matplotlib as a backend. Inspired heavily by the principles espoused in the grammar of graphics, nxviz provides ways to compose a graph visualization together by adhering to the following recipe: Add in annotations and highlights on the graph.
Usage — nxviz 0.3 documentation - Read the Docs
The following examples will use a randomly generated Networkx graph. The following code uses Networkx’s built-in drawing function. For a full list of parameters, see the nxviz.plots.CircosPlot API documentation. The above is a basic overview of the available plots. For more detailed examples of these plots in action, please see the examples here.
nxviz 开源项目教程 - GitCode博客
2024年9月9日 · nxviz 是一个基于 NetworkX 的图可视化包,旨在通过声明式 API 创建美观的图可视化。 nxviz 提供了多种图表类型,如 Circos 图、矩阵图等,适用于各种图数据的展示和分析。
使用networkx构建图并可视化 - CSDN博客
2018年3月24日 · nxviz是一个软件包,用于使用matplotlib作为后端构建合理的网络可视化。 由原则重激发 图 形的语法拥护,nxviz提供的方式来通过遵守下列配方一起组成一个 图 形 可视化 : 优先放置节点,将数据映射到位置和美观属性, ...
nxviz 项目教程 - CSDN博客
2024年9月10日 · 转换为思维导图可以用`nxviz`或`graphviz`库,如`from nxviz import annotate`来添加标签和美化。 6. 6. 最后, 使用 `node_link_graph(G)` 或 `to_dot(G)`将其渲染成思维导图格式。
开源项目推荐:nxviz - CSDN博客
2025年1月13日 · nxviz 是一个基于 NetworkX 的网络可视化包,它允许用户使用 Matplotlib 作为后端构建合理的网络图。 项目受到了图形语法的启发,提供了一种将节点、边以及图注解组合起来的方法。
API Documentation — nxviz 0.3 documentation - Read the Docs
BasePlot: An extensible class for designing new network visualizations. The BasePlot constructor takes in a NetworkX graph object, and a series of keyword arguments specifying how nodes and edges should be styled and ordered. An optional data_types dictionary can be passed in to bypass data type inference.
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