NYLOIL® (Oil-filled nylon) | Alro Plastics
NYLOIL-FG (Natural) is a self-lubricating nylon bearing material that meets the provisions of FDA Regulations 21 CFR, Section 177.15 (and others) and USDA 3A Sanitary Standards 10-17 for direct contact with food.
NYLOIL-FG is a self lubricating nylon bearing material which meets the provisions of FDA Regulations 21 CFR, Section 177.15 (and others) and USDA 3A Sanitary Standards 20-17 for direct contact with food. This is a particularly useful material where additional lubrication is not desirable because of clean ability,
Nyloil® FG (Food Grade) (Natural Color) - Professional Plastics
NYLOIL-FG is a self lubricating nylon bearing material which meets the provisions of FDA Regulations 21 CFR, Section 177.15 (and others) and USDA 3A Sanitary Standards 20-17 for direct contact with food.
NYLOIL-FG is a self lubricating nylon bearing material which meets the provisions of FDA Regulations 21 CFR, Section 177.15 (and others) and USDA 3A Sanitary Standards 20-17 for direct contact with food.
NYCAST® NYLOIL® FG Only NYLOIL from Cast Nylons Limited offers various grades of self-lubricating nylon bearing material tailored to meet you specific application. A cast nylon built-in oil lubrication, NYLOIL provides superior machinability, performance, and durability compared to other plastic and traditional bearing materials. These grades ...
NYCAST® NYLOIL® FG Food Grade Type 6 Nylon - Boedeker
NYCAST NYLOIL FG Food Grade Type 6 Oil Filled Nylon Properties, Sheet, Tube, Rod, Cut To Size, NYOIL Parts, Tech. Support, Get A Quote
Nyloil FG(食品級) - Nyloil FG(食品級) - 在線訂購
nyloil-fg 是一種自潤滑尼龍軸承材料,符合 fda 法規 21 cfr 第 177.15 節(及其他)和 usda 3a 衛生標準 20-17 關於與食品直接接觸的規定。 當由於可清潔性、污染或其他考慮因素而不需要額外潤滑時,這是一種特別有用的材料。
conditions. Standard green Nyloil ® is not FDA compliant, but food-grade versions of Nyloil ® (Nyloil ® FG) a. e important. It can be machined into an array of different parts, including bushings, bearings, gears, pulleys, rollers, wheels, wear rails, wear strips, a.
NYCAST® NYLOIL® FG (PA Grade): Technical Datasheet - Omnexus
NYCAST® NYLOIL® FG by Cast Nylons is a water-insoluble, highly crystalline, internally homogenously lubricated, high strength PA (polyamide) grade filled with oil. Exhibits enhanced wear & reduced friction properties, low coefficient of friction (25% less than other grades of nylon), high young's modulus, improved dimensional stability and ...
Standard green Nyloil® is not FDA compliant, but food-grade versions of Nyloil® (Nyloil® FG) are available. Like its base material nylon, Nyloil® can be used to replace metal parts and is preferable in designs where long part life and noise reduction are important.