NYO-USA 2019 - Carnegie Hall
nyo-usa 2019 In 2019, NYO-USA returned to Europe with conductor Sir Antonio Pappano, performing works by R. Strauss, Prokofiev, and Berlioz. The tour kicked off with concerts at Tanglewood and Carnegie Hall that featured soloist Isabel Leonard, followed by a performance in Berlin with Magdalena Kožená, and continuing with concerts in Great ...
2019 欧洲巡演 — National Youth Orchestra of China (NYO-China)
训练营结束后, NYO-China 在上海东方艺术中心举办 2019 季首场演出。 乐团在拥有 1953 座的音乐厅亮相。 该中心由法国建筑师保罗·安德鲁 (Paul Andreu) 设计, 是世界各大著名交响乐团到中国演出的必访之地。目前, 该中心每年接待观众人次达数十万, 已成为上海的标志 ...
National Youth Orchestra of China (NYO-China)
2019 年, NYO-China 首次踏上了古典音乐的发源地——欧洲。 这支 101 人乐团携手著名钢琴家加里克·奥尔森 (Garrick Ohlsson) 和再度回归的指挥路多维克·莫洛 (Ludovic Morlot), 共同踏上欧洲大陆, 在欧洲最负盛名的音乐节上演精彩的音乐会, 其中包括德国的欧洲青年古典音乐节 (柏林音乐厅), 英国斯内普音乐节和意大利博尔扎诺音乐节。在赴欧洲巡演前, 他们在上海东方艺术中心举办了本季首场音乐会。 2018 年, NYO-China 打造了精品室内乐项目, 致力于室内乐的学习和演奏。 …
NYO-China再奏“交响少年梦”,本季第一场、中国唯一一场演出献 …
2019年6月30日 · nyo是“全国青少年交响乐团”的英文缩写,成为了世界各地代表该国最高水平青少年乐团的代名词。 作为NYO理念在中国的实践,NYO-China(中华青少年交响乐团)成立于2016年,由中国音乐家协会主席叶小钢担任团长,是第一支在世界范围内仅招收14-21岁中国籍音 …
NYO Jazz 2019 - Carnegie Hall
In 2019, NYO Jazz—Carnegie Hall’s national youth jazz orchestra—returned for its second year after a triumphant Carnegie Hall debut and inaugural international tour in 2018. The critically acclaimed ensemble featured 23 outstanding young jazz musicians who came together for an extraordinary summer of music making, a performance at ...
Prom 12 - NYO 2019 - Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet Suite - YouTube
The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain conducted by Mark Wigglesworth.Royal Albert Hall, London 27.07.2019The performance was given 5 stars by the Tim...
NYO青少年交响乐团2019欧洲巡演报名正式启动 (3/11截止) - 社区 …
NYO-China邀请您共赏2019年上海东艺首演 - 哔哩哔哩
在欧洲巡演拉开帷幕前,NYO-China将在上海东方艺术中心进行2019季度首演,为中国的乐迷带来一场视觉听觉俱佳的古典乐盛宴。 这也是该乐团2019年,唯一一次在中国的演出。
Prom 12 - NYO 2019 - Lera Auerbach Icarus - YouTube
The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain conducted by Mark Wigglesworth.Royal Albert Hall, London 27.07.2019
2019 Europe Tour — National Youth Orchestra of China (NYO …
Following their debut in Shanghai, NYO-China traveled to Germany where they partook in Young Euro Classic, Europe’s preeminent festival for young musicians. Joining a lineup that includes other esteemed youth orchestras such as NYO-Germany and NYO-USA, NYO-China performed for listeners at the historic Konzerthaus Berlin in a concert that was ...