NYO-USA 2020 - Carnegie Hall
The 110 members of NYO-USA 2020—extraordinary teen instrumentalists ages 16–19 and representing 41 US states—were selected for an all-digital program following a comprehensive and highly selective audition process.
NYO2 2020 - Carnegie Hall
Using digital tools such as Zoom and Google Classroom, each of the 80 young musicians had the opportunity for extensive interaction with NYO2’s outstanding faculty of musicians from America’s leading orchestras: a private lesson each week as well as several sectionals, studio and master classes, and more informal discussions.
Top Teen Musicians From Across the Country Selected for the 2020 ...
(New York, NY, March 5, 2020)—Carnegie Hall today announced the names of the 115 outstanding young musicians selected from across the country for the eighth annual National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYO-USA). The members of the 2020 orchestra—ages 16–19, hailing from 34 US states—have been recognized by Carnegie ...
National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America
The NYO-USA is a full symphony orchestra consisting of around 110 young musicians. [1] Depending on the repertoire for the season it may or may not include harpists and orchestral keyboardists. [4] Membership to the orchestra changes each year with an annual application and audition process.
艺术家 & 导师名单 — National Youth Orchestra of China (NYO-China)
除了学生外, NYO-China 最大的财富当属一众国际顶尖的艺术家导师。无论在舞台上还是排练室, 他们为乐团成员提供了悉心的指导。这些享誉全球的艺术家们, 激励着年轻的音乐学子们, 让他们发现了自己成为职业乐团演奏家的潜力。
NYO-China再奏“交响少年梦”,本季第一场、中国唯一一场演出献 …
2019年6月30日 · 作为NYO理念在中国的实践,NYO-China(中华青少年交响乐团)成立于2016年,由中国音乐家协会主席叶小钢担任团长,是第一支在世界范围内仅招收14-21岁中国籍音乐学子、真正属于中国的青少年交响乐团。
Virtual NYO 2020: Ajey Moses, Seal Hop, 1st Place - YouTube
Virtual NYO 2020: Ajey Moses, Seal Hop, 1st Place
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NYO Alumni | Carnegie Hall
The National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYO-USA) made its debut with a Carnegie Hall concert and international tour in 2013, thrilling audiences from the start.