FSX Auckland International Airport Scenery - Fly Away Simulation
Scenery Auckland International Airport (NZAA) 05L/23R removal for stock FSX NZAA scenery. Removes the (now disused) runway 05L/23R, replacing it with taxiway A. In reality, much of the old markings are still there and the lights have only been de-activated. Other tweaks include removal of the bri...
AVSIM Library - The AVSIM Community
The enclosed files form an update to the default FSX Auckland International Airport (NZAA). It is not add-on scenery as such but intended to reflect changes made at the real-life NZAA after FSX was released.
FSX AFCAD File For NZAA - Fly Away Simulation
FSX AFCAD File For NZAA. Auckland International Airport, New Zealand. This airport update is for NZAA and made only for the FSX default airport: assigned parking updated as per their website with extra parking including gates for the A380, Novotel now included, taxiways and taxi signs updated, extra fuel trucks, support ...
FSX – Auckland Airport 2014 Scenery - Welcome to Perfect Flight
2014年6月29日 · This scenery is a upgrade of Ray Smith’s original NZAA with more tweaks which include New Cat III ILS for 05R/23L, Enhanced runway lighting and markings, Enhanced parking spaces to allow aircraft to park at the right place, Removed the static vehicles in the original scenery to make this newer scenery more FPS friendly, No need for the ...
Auckland Int'l Airport for FSX - Fly Away Simulation
Auckland Int'l Airport (NZAA), New Zealand. This version corrects the missing taxiway D8, removes the 05L/23R runway designators and approach lighting, includes parking for DHL and additional fuel trucks, the support vehicle road has been completely rebuilt around the airport terminals and lin...
[首发] Flightbeam - NZAA 奥克兰国际机场 v1.0.1 [最新P3Dv4/v5版]-FSX…
2021年7月15日 · nzaa 是我们迄今为止最雄心勃勃的项目,与机场官员合作完成了全面的空侧调查,并对我们所有产品的航站楼外观进行了最详细的调查。 除了手绘特写细节外,您还将在进场或离港时体验身临其境的细节,为整个曼努考海港提供定制的水面遮蔽,以及大量的自动 ...
FSX Scenery--Auckland International Airport - FlightSim.Com
2010年5月26日 · FSX Scenery--Auckland International Airport (NZAA) 05L/23R removal for stock FSX NZAA scenery. Removes the (now disused) runway 05L/23R, replacing it with taxiway A. In reality, much of the old markings are still there and the lights have only been de-activated. Other tweaks include removal of th...
[首发] Flightbeam - NZAA 新西兰奥克兰机场 [适用P3Dv4]-FSX…
2021年7月16日 · nzaa 是我们迄今为止最雄心勃勃的项目,与机场官员合作完成了全面的空侧调查,并对我们所有产品的航站楼外观进行了最详细的调查。 除了手绘特写细节外,您还将在进场或离港时体验身临其境的细节,为整个曼努考海港提供定制的水面遮蔽,以及大量的自动 ...
Auckland Airport Scenery Realeased - NZFF
2014年6月28日 · NZAA, Auckland Int'l Airport 2014 scenery (Originally Ray Smith's NZAA, but with a lot of tweaking applied) Note that this scenery is scanned for viruses by AVAST and is reported 'clean' and is copyrighted.
2021年7月13日 · Configuration Manager allows you to quickly customize NZAA to your liking. Extensive, highly detailed and realistic 4096x4096 textures. Utilizes SODE for advanced jetway interaction with aircraft. All new Gen-5 Flightbeam Jetways, packed with astounding detail. Utilizes SODE VDGS for precise parking with dynamic displays (optional, requires ...
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