[Limitless] What exactly does NZT do? : r/AskScienceFiction - Reddit
Sep 15, 2021 · Now NZT works on the consciousness level. Think of it as a completely altered state of consciousness integrated into ones waking state. Similar to deep meditative states. I m talking 4-6 hours meditation here. From what I have learnt cause I have also studied meditation NZT kind of gets rid of the limiters in ones mind.
How Could NZT-48 Potentially Work? : r/limitless - Reddit
Jun 29, 2021 · NZT, if it's a stimulant, would have to be a agonist, as well as an antagonist in order to regulate the amount of stimulus being given. Granted, Adderall is the best thing we've got with current science, and understanding of the brain, so maybe one day we will have NZT and its nothing like Adderall
On the differences between film and show NZT : r/limitless - Reddit
Jan 15, 2019 · NZT has toxic byproducts that the delivery mechanism for the drug detoxified, perhaps by facilitating their removal through a similar mechanism to how it facilitates the parent drug’s entry. In this formulation, the delivery mechanism breaks down or is depleted before the metabolites are fully removed, possibly losing effectiveness gradually ...
NZT-48 : r/Nootropics - Reddit
This isn't even a "drug" let alone "the perfect drug." If you have to name your supplement blend something as aspirational as NZT you're probably lacking somewhere. Edit: I see there are a few proprietary blends listed at the top as well. Avoid. They aren't naming the ingredients or amounts and that's a big red flag.
[spoiler] Isn't Morra off NZT ? He was at the end of the film
He claims he is off NZT, he is better than ever and he backs his claim. He surprises Van Loon with information on his failing company (with leaking insider info, blank checks etc.), he predicts van hitting the taxi 10 seconds before it happens and figures out Van Loon's heart disease with just hearing and touching.
NZT - Reddit
r/NZT is named after the fictional nootropic NZT-48, which features in the movie Limitless. Our goal here is to discuss nootropic stacks which replicate the cognitive enhancement of this nootropic, following the latest developments in the nootropics realm.
Does anyone else think that NZT grants intelligence based on
Nov 2, 2015 · NZT doesn’t work differently based on intelligence, it works differently based on the person’s morality and motives. Eddie Morra on NZT finds his friend/supplier dead and immediately looks out for himself first. On NZT originally he uses it …
NZT-48 REVIEWS : r/BNcommunity - Reddit
Oct 3, 2021 · A subreddit dedicated to the community of Binaural Nutrition, where you can share your personal experiences with the use of audio doping, freely express your thoughts and suggestions, and discuss not only binaural beats or subliminals but also topics related to sport, nutrition, health, and self-development.
[Limitless / Various] In Limitless, NZT-48 gives you maximum
Oct 21, 2020 · That said a NZT user biggest strength is they are not simply a Hollywood genius with all the stereotypes involved but a multifaceted genius. A NZT user could become a great martial artist, a master marksmanship, a master craft painter, and a great orator at the same time.
The Real NZT-48 : r/NoFap - Reddit
Dec 17, 2015 · Creative take on NZT. Couldnt agree more, the effects of NZT are of course fantasy, but being better versions of ourselves by leaps and bounds is attainable through our own NZT. Love it, thanks for taking the time to post this.