What does nzuri mean in Swahili? - WordHippo
Need to translate "nzuri" from Swahili? Here's what it means.
nzuri in English - Swahili-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of "nzuri" into English . nice, good, beautiful are the top translations of "nzuri" into English. Sample translated sentence: Abigayl alimwambia kwamba walikuwa wakiosha jumba ili liwe nzuri kwa ajili yake. ↔ She told him that they were cleaning the hall to make it nice for him.
What is the difference between "nzuri" and "mzuri" and ... - HiNative
2020年4月1日 · Synonym for nzuri To add onto what @alimohd said, the two words are just different conjugations of the adjectives -zuri and -ema, when they are used to refer to words from different 'ngeli' (noun categories). e.g. Since 'usiku' starts with 'u-', you add 'mw-' to '-ema' to give you 'usiku mwema'.
NZURI - Translation in English - bab.la
Find all translations of nzuri in English like beautiful, nice and many others.
What is the difference between "vizuri" and "nzuri" and ... - HiNative
2023年4月20日 · Nzuri A: habari za leo?(how is your day? B: nzuri/njema(good... - objective A: viatu vyako vizuri(mostly used in plural) (Your shoes are nice) -nzuri A:nguo yako ni nzuri Your dress is nice/good Sign up
Nzuri vs. Nzuri sana - 斯瓦希里语的“好”与“非常好” - Talkpal
Nzuri 是斯瓦希里语中表达“好”的词。 它可以用在许多不同的上下文中,从描述某人的状态到形容某件事情的质量。 Hali yangu ni nzuri. Habari yako? Yeye ni mzuri sana. Kazi yake ni nzuri. Shule yetu ni nzuri. Jambo hili ni nzuri. Ninapenda kusoma vitabu nzuri. Nzuri sana 是斯瓦希里语中表达“非常好”的词。 它常用于强调某事物或某人的优秀程度。 Chakula hiki ni nzuri sana. Rafiki yangu ni nzuri sana. Kitabu hiki ni nzuri sana.
Nzuri vs. Zuri - 斯瓦希里语中的好与帅 - Talkpal
Nzuri更多地用于表示整体的良好状态或内在品质,而zuri则更多地用于描述外在的美丽。 举个例子,如果你想说某人的工作做得很好,你应该用 nzuri : Kazi yako ni nzuri sana.
Zuri vs. Nzuri - 斯瓦希里语中的美丽与善良 - Talkpal
zuri 与 nzuri 的区别. 尽管zuri和nzuri都有“好”的意思,但它们在具体使用上有一些重要的区别。zuri更侧重于外在的美丽,而nzuri则更多地用于描述内在的品质或状态。 1. 外貌 vs 内在: zuri 通常用于描述外在的美丽,如人的外貌、事物的外观等。 Msichana yule ni zuri.
Nzuri in English. Nzuri Meaning and Translation from Swahili
Nzuri in English: What does nzuri mean in English? If you want to learn nzuri in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Swahili to English. You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce nzuri in English and how to read it.
→ nzuri, 翻译成 中文, 例句, 斯瓦希里文 - 中文 字典 | Glosbe
美好是将“nzuri"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Mwalimu huyo alivutiwa pia na mwenendo wa Anna, na akamsifu mbele ya darasa lote kwa sababu ya tabia zake nzuri na mavazi yenye kiasi. ↔ 安娜的好品行也给老师留下深刻的印象,所以老师在全班同学面前,称赞安娜是个有礼貌和衣着端庄的好学 …