O (Cyrillic) - Wikipedia
O (О о; italics: О о) is a letter of the Cyrillic script. The letter most commonly represents the sound /ɔ/, like the o in "off". In Russian and Serbo-Croatian, it represents the sound /o/. Some old …
西里尔字母 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西里尔字母 [註 1] (英語: Cyrillic script ),也称基里尔字母 [註 2] ,指的是一種是廣泛通行於斯拉夫语族和前蘇聯疆域之內的字母,亦是除了拉丁字母和阿拉伯字母之後,世界母語人口第三 …
O (Cyrillic) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
O (О, о) is the fourteenth letter in the Cyrillic alphabet. It sounds like [o]. It came from the Greek letter omicron and is the same as the Roman letter O.
西里尔字母 - 百度百科
西里尔字母(俄文:Кириллица,英文:Cyrillic)源于希腊字母,普遍认为是由基督教传教士西里尔(827年–869年)在9世纪为了方便在斯拉夫民族传播东正教所创立的,被斯拉夫民族广泛 …
Cyrillic O variants - Wikipedia
Monocular O (Ꙩ ꙩ) is one of the rare glyph variants of Cyrillic letter O.This glyph variant was used in certain manuscripts in the root word ꙩко "eye", [1] and also in some other functions, …
List of Cyrillic letters - Wikipedia
This is a list of letters of the Cyrillic script. The definition of a Cyrillic letter for this list is a character encoded in the Unicode standard that a has script property of 'Cyrillic' and the general …
O (Cyrillic) - Wikiwand
O (О о; italics: О о) is a letter of the Cyrillic script. Quick Facts Cyrillic letter O, Phonetic usage: ... "O", from Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva 's 1911 alphabet book. The letter most commonly …
西里尔字母字母表 按顺序的 43 个字母及其名称、音标和发音 ( ‿ ) …
The Old Cyrillic script consists of 43 letters, including all Greek symbols 0391–03C9 and 19 signs for sounds missing in Greek. In the early 18th century, the Cyrillic script used in Russia …
O (Cyrillic) - wiki-gateway.eudic.net
O (О о; italics: Оо) is a letter of the Cyrillic script. O commonly represents the close-mid back rounded vowel /o/, like the pronunciation of o in Scottish English "go". The Cyrillic letter O was …
О - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
О, о (称呼为о, o)是一个广泛用在斯拉夫语言的 西里尔字母,由希腊字母 Ο 演变而成。 在 俄语 、 白俄罗斯语 字母中排第16位,在 乌克兰语 、 马其顿语 字母中排第19位,在 保加利亚语 …