OP.GG - The Best LoL Builds and Tier List. Search Riot ID and …
The Best LoL Champion Builds and Player Stats by OP.GG - Learn champion builds, runes, and counters. Search Riot ID and Tagline for stats of all game modes.
Is there a difference between 'gg' and 'ggs'? - Reddit
Generally you would probably actually use GG, since you only played one game with them. GGS is a commonly used term in games like Smash Bros. where there are multiple sets between …
留学生在外打游戏,这些游戏术语你都看懂了吗? - 知乎
全局结束对所有人的夸奖,表示友善,ggwp=good game well played,同样ggs=goodgames也是夸奖,但换到国内好像多了一层“凉凉”的意思,有点嘲讽的味道。 有夸奖,那就也有嘲 …
"gg" 和 "ggs" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
Gamers use GGs to mean "good games." This abbreviation is a quick way of complimenting another player on a WP set of games. You're most likely to receive GGs in a message sent at …
最近在美服玩守望先锋 想问一下ggs 和gr是什么意思我只知道gg …
GGS(good games) 1、获胜方打出GG代表GoodLuck,表示谦虚,大有古代比武时获胜方会说一句承让。 2、失败方打出GG回应表示GoodGame。
外国人游戏内常用语言(基础篇) - 哔哩哔哩
ggs, gotta go, see ya next time :) ——干得漂亮,但我得走了,再见! 外国人打表情一般都是 :) 或者 ; ( 后面陆续更新MOBA篇,FPS篇等. 如果喜欢可以点赞、投币、关注三连.
About OP.GG - Our Story and Growth
Learn the story of OP.GG, starting as a League of Legends stats search engine in 2012 and growing into a global gaming platform.
外国人打ggs是什么意思 - 百度知道
GGS(good games),GGS则是双方都打的不错,一场旗鼓相当的精彩战斗的意思。 获胜方打出GG代表GoodLuck,表示谦虚,大有古代比武时获胜方会说一句承让。 失败方打出GG回应表 …
音频科普---oggs - 虚生 - 虚生 - 博客园
2018年1月17日 · 百科上这短短的几句话,就把ogg概括了,通俗一点说,他就是一种可以任意单位或个人使用的免费的多媒体格式。 这里所说的多. 媒体,就是指所有可以传播信息的载体,强 …
请问diff和ggs..diff就是打出differential差距了,含义看输赢,无非就是夸一方贬一方,可以是dps嘲讽对面dps,可以是奶夸自家t把对面爆了,但其实diff最多的用法还是甩锅,输了就是自家 …
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