O-I - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The O-I is a Japanese tier 6 heavy tank. Development of the superheavy tank was started after the Battles of Khalkhyn Gol in 1939. The vehicle was designed as a maneuverable fire unit that was unprecedented in scale—its hull alone weighed 100 tons. Only one prototype was built, without a turret and made of construction steel.
O-I VI - skill4ltu Index
VI O-I. Assault Heavy Tank. This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for O-I.
O-I super-heavy tank - Wikipedia
O-I was the designation given to a proposed series of Japanese super-heavy tanks designed during World War II. The vehicle was planned to be very heavy and have a crew of 11. The complete history of the O-I is unknown, due to the “obscure” nature of the project and the limited documentation that survived post-war. [2] [3]
O-I - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, WN8 target …
4 天之前 · O-I equipment builds for World of Tanks. Equipment setups based on Skill4ltu and Yzne configurations. +3% to vehicle hit points. +10% to suspension durability. +5% to hull traverse speed. -7% to maintaining speed when crossing all terrain types. -3% to the aiming circle size. -5% to aiming speed. +3% to view range. +15% to additional stun duration.
O-I | Stats, Armor, Weakspots, Modules, Equipment
O-I: armor layout, internal modules and crew, weak spots, stats. Choose equipment, perks and field mods. Compare with other tanks.
O-I - World of Tanks Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2025年3月2日 · v0.9.10で追加されたTier6の 日本 重戦車。 O-I の完成図を元にした150トン級の超重戦車である。 スペック上は俯角-10°となってはいるが、実際に大きく俯角が取れるのは前方だけの話である。 駐退機と巨大な車体が仇となり、 側背面に砲身を向けると俯角が-6°までしか取れなくなってしまう。 小型の敵戦車に真横や後方に張り付かれるとほぼ抵抗不可能となるので要注意。 初期砲。 通常弾の貫通力や単発火力はこのTierとしては優秀だが、DPMはやや低 …
O-I:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
o-i 影片評論涵蓋了主要車輛特性及其戰鬥表現。 1939 年諾門罕戰役後開始研發這輛超重型戰車。 該車輛被設計成一個規模空前的機動火力單位──光車身就重達 100 噸。
O-I - Wargaming Wiki
The O-I is a Tier VI Japanese Heavy Tank. The first researchable super heavy tank, featuring the handy 10cm cannon and the derp 15cm. The 10cm comes as the stock gun for the O-I, featuring similar statistics to the 107mm (That being available on the T …
O-I - World of Tanks Wiki
Hit points: Hit Points: Weight limit: Weight/Load limit(t) Engine power: Engine Power (h.p.) Speed limit: Speed limit (km/h) Traverse Speed (deg/s) 150/70/150 mm
O-I - 百度百科
O-I是游戏《坦克世界》中的一种坦克。 [1] 这辆 超重型坦克 的发展由YPHX上校发起,该项目由三菱公司提供生产,因此该战车也被称为"三菱-东京"。 在部队中,这辆坦克被称为O-I,但更多该项目中的细节则是未知的。 [1] 定位:支援、输出、抗线。 O-I是游戏《坦克世界》中的一种坦克。