O-RADS™ Ultrasound - American College of Radiology
O-RADS US v2022 was updated in November 2022 and is available on the web and for download. Ultrasound is the primary imaging modality of the female pelvis which allows adequate evaluation of most adnexal lesions using transvaginal and transabdominal technique.
Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting & Data System (O-RADS™)
O-RADS™ is a clinical support system for the standardized description and classification of ovarian/adnexal lesions. The system consists of two complementary arms: Ultrasound (US) — the primary imaging modality, which is optimized for high sensitivity. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) — a secondary tool that allows higher specificity.
O-RADS™ MRI - American College of Radiology
Optimize ovarian cancer outcomes while minimizing unnecessary surgery in patients with adnexal lesions. O-RADS MRI is available for download. MRI can provide additional soft tissue detail and characterization of ovarian/adnexal lesions and is used as a secondary modality in the O-RADS risk stratification system.
Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System Ultrasound (O-RADS …
2024年12月20日 · The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System Ultrasound (O-RADS US) forms the ultrasound component of the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS). This system aims to ensure that there are uniform unambiguous sonographic evaluations of ovarian or other adnexal lesions, accurately assigning each lesion to a risk category of ...
O-RADS US Risk Stratification and Management System: A …
The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US risk stratification and management system is designed to provide consistent interpretations, to decrease or eliminate ambiguity in US reports resulting in a higher probability of accuracy in assigning risk of malignancy to ovarian and other adnexal masses, and to provide a management reco...
2023年10月22日 · 2020 年,美国放射学会(acr)正式发布了卵巢 - 附件影像报告和数据系统(o-rads)超声风险分层与管理的共识指南。 该共识指南是ACR 超声工作小组在 2018 年发表的白皮书 O-RADS超声词典的基础上推出的,为卵巢肿瘤的良恶性诊断和管理提供依据。
O-RADS US v2022: An Update from the American College of Radiology…
2023年9月12日 · The first-line imaging modality for evaluation of the ovaries and adnexa is US. The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US was introduced in a 2018 American College of Radiology white paper outlining an evidence-based lexicon for ovarian and adnexal lesions.
The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US risk stratification and management system is designed to provide consistent interpretations, to decrease or eliminate ambiguity in US reports resulting in a higher probability of accuracy in assign-ing risk of malignancy to ovarian and other adnexal masses, and to provide a management rec...
O-RADS US v2022: An Update from the American College of Radiology…
First published in 2019, the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US provides a standardized lexicon for ovarian and adnexal lesions, enables stratification of these lesions with use of a numeric score based on morphologic features to indicate the risk of malignancy, and offers managem …
【分享】ACR O-RADS详解 (北美放射学会卵巢-附件报告和数据系 …
2021年6月15日 · 1、o-rads 0类. o-rads 0类指因技术因素不能完整评估,如肠气干扰、病灶太大、附件的位置,或者患者无法耐受经阴道超声。 一般建议重复超声检查,必要时行mri等其他影像学检查。 2、o-rads 1类. o-rads 1类指正常生理性卵巢,只适用于绝经前患者,包括了卵泡和黄体。
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