O RLY? - Know Your Meme
O RLY is internet slang for “OH REALLY?” with implicit sarcasm. Since gaining traction through with usage on Internet forums, O RLY has become a popular deadpan response to any …
O RLY? - Wikipedia
The phrase "O RLY?", an abbreviated form of "Oh, really?", is popularly used in Internet forums in a sarcastic manner, often in response to an obvious, predictable, [2][3] or blatantly false …
O RLY? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
O RLY? 是英語 Oh, really? 的擬音簡稱,即是中文書面語的「噢,真的? 」,是歐美國家網絡上的網絡現象,常用於疑問或者諷刺他人言論。 它的整個形像其實是一幅改圖:一隻雪鴞表現 …
O RLY? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
它的整個形像其實是一幅改圖:一隻雪鴞表現著「驚訝」的樣子,圖的下方有著白色英文全大寫字眼「o rly?」。 這幅圖其實取材自發音相近的著名電腦書出版商 歐萊禮 的出版,因為它的 動 …
O RLY? - Teh Meme Wiki
O RLY? is an abbreviation for "Oh, really?" and is an Internet phenomenon, typically presented as an image macro featuring a Snowy Owl. The phrase "O RLY?" is typically used in a sarcastic …
O RLY? | 香港網絡大典 | Fandom
「O RLY?」是「Oh really?」的簡寫。 它是一個網絡上的常見現象,並通常用一隻白色的貓頭鷹Cap圖來表示。 最常見的用法是在一個貼(Post)中貼上這張圖片,引起下一個回貼者貼上是 …
O RLY?: Image Gallery (List View) (List View) | Know Your Meme
Nite Owl:"O rly?" O RLY? o rly owl nite owl watchmen dc O RLY NIGGA? O RLY? zelda ocarina of time kaepora gaebora 4chan video game Sakaki-chan O rly O RLY? anime azumanga …
O RLY? - NoBleme
Some years later, in 2005, an unknown person found this owl picture and added a caption to it which read "O RLY?", making it look like the owl is sarcastically asking "Oh, really?". It spread …
O RLY? - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
O RLY? is an Internet meme often used in chat rooms or Forums. It is short for Oh, really?. O RLY is used as a response to an above post or comment to show (sarcastically) that it is …
O RLY? Meme Generator - Imgflip
Insanely fast, mobile-friendly meme generator. Make O RLY? memes or upload your own images to make custom memes