North American O-47 - Wikipedia
The North American O-47 is an American observation fixed-wing aircraft monoplane designed in the mid-1930s and used by the United States Army Air Corps during the World War II. It has a low-wing configuration, retractable landing gear, and a three-blade propeller.
O-47觀察機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
North American O-47 是一款由 北美航空 於1930年代中期研製的觀察機,並服役於 第二次世界大戰 的 美國陸軍航空兵團。 O-47的出現是為了替代日益老舊的 O-19觀察機 和 O-38觀察機。 該機的尺寸比以往的觀察機更龐大,三名機組人員串聯坐在長長的座艙蓋下。 機腹具有一片窗戶,以讓觀察員能向下觀測與攝影。 XO-47原型機的設計起源於1934年,由北美航空子公司 通用航空製造公司 (英语:Atlantic Aircraft) 設計,取名為 GA-15[3] 陸軍在1937年至1938年間訂購了 …
O-47观察机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年6月1日 · North American O-47 是一款由 北美航空 于1930年代中期研制的观察机,并服役于 第二次世界大战 的 美国陆军航空兵团。 O-47的出现是为了替代日益老旧的 O-19观察机 和 O-38观察机。 该机的尺寸比以往的观察机更庞大,三名机组人员串联坐在长长的座舱盖下。 机腹具有一片窗户,以让观察员能向下观测与摄影。 XO-47原型机的设计起源于1934年,由北美航空子公司 通用航空制造公司 (英语:Atlantic Aircraft) 设计,取名为 GA-15[3] 陆军在1937年 …
North American O-47 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero …
The North American O-47 was designed and manufactured by North American Aviation as an observation fixed-wing aircraft monoplane with a low-wing configuration, retractable undercarriage, and a three-blade propeller. Introduced in 1937, the aircraft was primarily used by the United States Army Air Corps. It first flew in November 1935 and…
North American O-47A - National Air and Space Museum
The O-47 was the most advanced observation airplane ever delivered to the U.S. Army Air Corps, but on the eve of the United States' entry into the Second World War in 1941, its place was eclipsed by newer and more versatile fighter and bomber aircraft that could also perform the observation role, and were less vulnerable in combat.
North American O-47B - National Museum of the USAF
DAYTON, Ohio -- North American O-47B at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo) In 1934 North American Aviation developed the O-47 to replace the O-19 and O-38 observation biplanes. Larger and heavier than most preceding observation aircraft, its crew of three sat in tandem under the long canopy.
North American O-47 - World War Photos
Prototype XO-47 (36-145) was a semi-monocoque monoplane of all-metal construction with a Wright R-1820-41 “Cyclone” radial engine rated at 850 hp. When designing it, special attention was paid to visibility, which was almost impossible with traditional methods.
North American O-47A - Planes of Fame Air Museum
The 0-47 was the world's first modern observation air- craft. In 1934 General Aviation Corporation answered the Army's call for a new reconnaissance airplane. Built entirely of metal, the rotund fuselage would comfortably house a crew of three: pilot, gunner, and camera operator.
O-47: The Army Air Corps' Forgotten Workhorse - YouTube
2025年2月5日 · Featuring a sleek monoplane design, retractable landing gear, and a three-blade propeller, it marked a significant step forward in aerial reconnaissance. With a three-person crew under a...
North American O 47 - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年9月22日 · The North American O47 was an observation fixedwing aircraft monoplane used by the United States Army Air Corps. It had a lowwing configuration, retractable landing gear and a threeblade propeller. The O47 was developed as a replacement for the ThomasMorse O19 and Douglas O38 observation bip
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