Physiology: The highs and lows of bird flight | eLife
2019年9月3日 · Next the geese were fitted with instruments to measure their heart rates and arterial and venous P O2 and made to fly in a wind tunnel mimicking the conditions of high …
Reduced metabolism supports hypoxic flight in the high-flying bar ...
2019年9月3日 · Metabolic rate during flight increased 16-fold from rest, supported by an increase in the estimated amount of O 2 transported per heartbeat and a modest increase in heart rate. …
Allosteric mechanisms underlying the adaptive increase in …
2018年9月9日 · Here, we report a detailed analysis of O 2 equilibria and kinetics of native major HbA and minor HbD isoforms from bar-headed goose and greylag goose ( Anser anser ), a …
High fliers: The physiology of bar-headed geese - ResearchGate
2010年7月1日 · The Andean goose (Chloephaga melanoptera) normally resides at altitudes above 3000 meters and flies to elevations as high as 6000 meters where O2 becomes limiting.
High thermal sensitivity of blood enhances oxygen delivery in …
2013年6月15日 · We found that blood-O2 affinity was highly temperature sensitive in bar-headed geese compared with other birds and mammals. Based on our analysis, temperature and pH …
Pectoral Muscles Give Geese the Oxygen for Himalayan Journey
2009年7月30日 · The bar-headed goose’s muscle cells have evolved to make more efficient use of low oxygen levels at high altitudes.
Reduced metabolism supports hypoxic flight in the high-flying bar ...
2019年9月3日 · Metabolic rate during flight increased 16-fold from rest, supported by an increase in the estimated amount of O 2 transported per heartbeat and a modest increase in heart rate. …
Causes of high blood O2 affinity of animals living at high altitude
We have measured the partial pressure of O2 at 50% saturation (P50) and the concentration of various phosphate compounds in the erythrocytes of the bar-headed goose and the guanaco …
Morphological and morphometric specializations of the lung of …
2017年3月24日 · The Andean goose (Chloephaga melanoptera) normally resides at altitudes above 3000 meters and flies to elevations as high as 6000 meters where O2 becomes limiting. …
Causes of high blood O2 affinity of animals living at high altitude
We have measured the partial pressure of O2 at 50% saturation (P50) and the concentration of various phosphate compounds in the erythrocytes of the bar-headed goose and the guanaco …
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