O5-2 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
O5-2 is the second member of the O5 Council, the ruling council of the SCP Foundation. As with other O5 members, O5-2 is an enigmatic figure, who's true identity and appearance are completely unknown to the rest of the Foundation, save for the rest of …
SunnyClockwork's Artwork - Personnel - SCP Foundation
2024年5月18日 · The following is a collection of SunnyClockwork's artwork. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
O5 Command | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
O5 Command logo. The O5 Command (also known as the O5 Council, Overseers, Overwatch, and the Big Thirteen) are the highest known authority within the SCP Foundation, consisting of the organization's top-ranking leaders. They are a shadowy group of people, a secret society within a secret society, whose true identities are all classified as top ...
O5指挥部档案 - SCP基金会
每位O5成员都近乎知道基金会的一切及其所有活动。 而在他们内部,他们知道基金会掌握的每个秘密。 大部分基金会人员在整个职业生涯里都见不到他们。 2级以下的人员甚至不知道他们存在。 大部分基金会外的人从未听闻过他们,或者不觉得他们真的存在。 基本上所有人都害怕他们。 一个O5走进房间,所有人都要吓到尿裤子。 对一个掌握了世界史上最可怕组织的顶级权力的人来说,这种情况并不罕见。 这份档案会展示每位O5议会成员的多份矛盾报告。 我研究得已经很广 …
O5 Council | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The O5 Council, alternatively known as the Overseer Council, O5 Command, or Overwatch, is the ruling council of the SCP Foundation. Part of the Administrative Department, the O5 Council is composed of thirteen of the best and the brightest of the Foundation; some members are anomalous, while...
SCP基金会机密档案(O5指挥部档案) - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
O5-2: “园丁”。 女。白人。来自美国。貌为80+岁老人。实际年龄未知。没有反常外貌。 O5-2似乎是基金会主管Dr. Sophia Light的第二版本,来自某一被抹销时间线的遗民(且她似乎参与了此次抹销)。
Foundation's Departments' Logos By OxygenNine - SCP …
Making foundation departments' logos by OxygenNine. To develop the departments that only have words description but no logos in A Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Departments . These departments' logos are mostly white vector files, …
O5 Council by SunnyClockwork on DeviantArt
2015年2月17日 · SCP Foundation fanart, the O5 Council. Notice a number missing? Welcome, new O5-7.
2red - Scp O5 2 Logo - (894x894) Png Clipart Download
2red - Scp O5 2 Logo is a (894x894) png clipart image which is manually selected and technically optimized. This transparent clipart, 65KB, is about clipartmax.com. 2red - Scp O5 2 Logo clipart image can be downloaded and shared for free. If you like it, remember to share on your facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
O5-2 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
05-2 is the 2nd member of the 05 Council, rumors around the Foundation consist of people saying that 05-2 is the second strongest 05 Council member, if not the 2nd strongest person in the world. Same as the other members SCP 05 Council member 05-2 is an enigmatic figure who's true identity and appearance are completely unknown to the rest of ...