o7 (Slang) - Know Your Meme
2024年7月3日 · o7, sometimes incorrectly formatted as 07, is an emoticon that later became a Twitch Emote. Online, the symbol is meant to represent a person saluting, with the "o" being a person's head and the "7" representing a hand being outstretched and then pointed toward the head in a military salute stance.
o7是什么意思 - 百度贴吧
“o7”可能是一个表示敬意或感谢的标记,类似于在其他文化中常见的“祝您好运”、“谢谢”等表达方式。 在某些游戏内,它可能代表敬礼的动作,表达对游戏内其他玩家的敬意和感谢。
What Does O7 Mean? The Salute Emoticon - wikihow.com
2025年2月25日 · O7 is a saluting emoticon. The O represents a person’s head, while the 7 represents a raised arm with a bent elbow. People use the O7 emoticon on platforms like Twitch to express admiration, say hello, or wish people good luck. What does O7 mean? O7 is a visualization of a person saluting. The “O” is supposed to resemble a head.
不懂就问,绕杆子,老外打的o7是啥意思? - 百度贴吧
O是头7是手势。 O7就是🫡。 敬礼的意思. 那意思是要抓到你了,要给你上反了。
“O7” 的含义以及如何正确使用这个术语? - JustWebWorld
2022年1月29日 · 在 O7 中,o 指的是某人的头部,而 7 指的是弯曲的手臂,放在额头上以表示对动作的尊重。 对于 o/,o 指的是某人的头部,而 / 指的是站立、挥动的手臂。
What Does 'o7' Mean? The Emoticon Turned Twitch Emote …
2024年8月29日 · The best way for o7 to be used is in its original context, as a way to salute someone in a comment or as a standalone reply. This is often done in spaces such as Twitch Chat where you can either type the o7 in solidarity with something happening on stream or use one of the multiple saluting emotes that have become popular on the platform.
"O7" Meaning, Origin and Examples - 7ESL
2024年12月13日 · “O7” is an emoticon that means to salute a person. You might also see it written as 07 or O7. It’s frequently used in simulation video games like Elite Dangerous or EVE online.
What Does o7 Mean? | The Word Counter
2021年2月10日 · In o7, the o is meant to represent someone’s head, and the 7 is meant to represent a bent arm held up to one’s forehead in a saluting motion. For o/, the o is once again meant to represent a person’s head, while the / represents an arm sticking up, waving. Urban Dictionary states that o7 can also be represented as 07.
O7在抽搐上是什麼意思? - Recmg.com
2021年12月31日 · O7表明表示致敬,o代表頭,7象徵著伸出的手臂。這種表情通常是在抽搐上的尊重標誌。用戶實現O7 emote的一個示例是在敘事遊戲中有影響力的場景中,在該遊戲中,角色做出了犧牲,然後抽搐聊天,然後垃圾郵件。 有關的: 如何在Twitch上託管另一個彩帶的頻道
o7的含义是什么? - 百度知道
o7是就是敬礼的意思,类似于欢迎。 就是一个小人儿在敬礼,老外通常用于致敬。 比如游戏里下级见到上级和重要人物都会打出o7敬礼,一场重要战役胜利后会刷满屏的o7,还有纳粹式的狂热庆祝。
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