Shipping and Handling Tasks in Undermine Can Get Stuck
What to do if you are on a task in Shipping and Handling and it is not possible to progress it or cancel it
Changing a BattleTag - Blizzard Support
Forgot to capitalize my name on my BattleTag After creating your account and setting your BattleTag , you are allowed to change your BattleTag for free the first time. For additional BattleTag changes, we offer the BattleTag Change service .
Search: name - Blizzard Support - Battle.net
More than 100 results found for "name" Account Name Update: Switch First and Last Names Information about switching your first and last names on your account
Linking Your Google Account - Blizzard Support
Follow these steps to link your Battle.net account to a Google account: Log in to your Connections in your Account Management page
World of Warcraft Character Name Change - Blizzard Support
You cannot change the name of this character again for the next three days. Other players on your realm will be unable to use your previous name for 90 days. Characters on your World of Warcraft account can use your old character name. Once the Name Change is complete, your Armory profile will take some time to reflect your character's new name.
Diablo IV Character Name Keeps Changing - Blizzard Support
Common Problems. My character name is different each time I login to the game; Why does my character name keep changing in Diablo IV
Want to Swap Character Names - Blizzard Support
If you want to swap the names of two characters, you will need to use 3 Character Name Changes in the following order: Rename Character A to a new name; Rename Character B to Character A's old name; Rename Character A to Character B's old name; Customer Support cannot assist in bypassing this process.
Verifying Your Battle.net Account Has Been Set Up for Game Pass
Navigate to your Battle.net Account Connections page; Next to Xbox Network, make sure the Xbox Account with your Game Pass subscription is listed
Can't Log Into or Link My Mobile Game Account
Open the game client and click your guest account name (upper left hand corner) Click the Profile button; Click Create Battle.net Account and complete the Battle.net Account creation process; Click Log In to Battle.net Account if you have an existing account that does not already have a Warcraft Rumble account attached
G-99 Breakneck button missing after completing License Not …
At the moment we are not aware of any issue with summoning G-99 Breakneck mount. If button to summon the mount disappeared, please, try changing the zone and going back to Undermine. Another workaround is to use /summon G-99 Breakneck (or the name of the mount in your client's language if not English) command in the chat.