Organisation armée secrète - Wikipedia
The Organisation armée secrète (OAS, "Secret Army Organisation") was a far-right [2][3][4] dissident French paramilitary and terrorist organisation during the Algerian War, founded in …
Organisation de l'armée secrète — Wikipédia
L' Organisation de l'armée secrète, ou Organisation armée secrète, surtout connue par le sigle OAS, est une organisation terroriste clandestine française proche de l' extrême droite créée le …
Secret Army Organization | Algerian-French history | Britannica
In France: The Fifth Republic …General Raoul Salan formed the Secret Army Organization (Organisation de l’Armée Secrète; OAS) and attempted to stage a coup in Algiers. When the …
图忆|法国秘密军组织:以恐怖对恐怖,几次暗杀戴高乐都失败_快 …
2016年1月17日 · 在阿尔及利亚战争中,恐怖组织法国秘密军(OAS)数次暗杀戴高乐,但OAS分子的枪法并不准,凭借司机高超的技巧,戴高乐和夫人甚至他们车上携带的活鸡都毫发无损。
The Forgotten Terrorist Organization, the OAS - History and …
On June 7, 1962, a right wing French Nationalist terror group, the Organisation Armée Secrète, usually referred to as the OAS, set fire to and burned the library at the University of Algiers in …
BBC ON THIS DAY | 23 | 1962: Ex-general escapes death sentence
Since its creation in 1961, the OAS has embarked on a campaign of terrorism in Algeria and France including the attempted assassination in September 1961 of the French President, …
L’OAS, Organisation armée secrète, par Sylvie Thénault
2005年6月14日 · Responsable de plusieurs centaines d'attentats et d'exécutions en Algérie et en France, l'OAS aura tué 2 700 personnes, dont 2 400 Algériens, de mai 1961 à septembre …
Organisation de l'armée secrète | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Organisation de l'armée secrète (OAS — or Organisation armée secrète, lit. "Organisation of the Secret Army" or "Secret Armed Organisation") was a short-lived, French dissident …
August 22, 1962: The Event That Inspired - History and Headlines
On August 22, 1962, the French ultra-nationalist terror group known as the OAS (Organisation armée secrete, which means “Secret Army Organization”) made a famous attempt on the life …
Secret Army Organization - AcademiaLab
The so-called Organisation of the Secret Army (OAS) (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète in French) was a French terrorist organization extreme right led by General Raoul Salan, born in 1961 …