SICE - WTO - WT/DS54/R - WT/DS55/R - WT/DS59/R
TRIMs Article 5.1 likewise also allows developing country Members time before they must comply with the TRIMs Article 2 provisions on local content requirements which are inconsistent with GATT Article III, provided that the measure existed when the WTO Agreements entered into force (i.e., on 1 January 1995) and that the Member notified the ...
PN 411N1102-32BCMW, TRIM - shop.oas.aero
PN 411N1102-32BCMW, TRIM, FN, Guaranteed best price for aircraft parts, components and consumables at Oxygen Aerospace
SICE - WTO - WT/DS54/R - WT/DS55/R - WT/DS59/R
As discussed previously in connection with Indonesia's "conflicts" argument, the drafting history of the TRIMs Agreement demonstrates: (1) that local content subsidies are covered by the TRIMs Agreement; and (2) that Article 27.3 of the SCM Agreement was added at the last minute to ensure that subsidies permitted by the transitional provisions ...
SICE - WTO - WT/DS54/R - WT/DS55/R - WT/DS59/R
6.16 Article 5.2 of the TRIMs Agreement provides a temporary derogation from the obligation contained in Article 2 in respect of TRIMs which were in force at least 180 days before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement and which have been duly notified by the Member concerned within 90 days from the entry into force of the WTO Agreement, as ...
与贸易有关的投资措施协议 - 百度百科
《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》(Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures, TRIMs)是 世界贸易组织 管辖的一项多边贸易协议。 它由序言和9条及1个附件组成。 其条款主要有:范围、 国民待遇 和 数量限制 、例外、 发展中国家 成员、通知和过渡安排、透明度、与贸易有关的投资措施委员会、磋商与争端解决、 货物贸易 理事会的审议等条款。 促进 投资自由化,制定为避免对贸易造成不利影响的规则,促进 世界贸易 的扩大和逐步自由化,并便利 国际投 …
《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》 - MBA智库百科 - MBAlib.com
2016年6月22日 · 依此时新投资适用的任何trims应通知货物贸易理事会,这种trims条款与那些适用于已建企业的条款,应具有同等的竞争效果,而且应在同一时间终止。 [ 编辑 ]
PN 5472-14, TRIM - shop.oas.aero
PN 5472-14, TRIM, FN, Guaranteed best price for aircraft parts, components and consumables at Oxygen Aerospace
精密进近OAS面的绘制与评估 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
OAS面从进近方向来看,分为 W面 、 X面 、 Y面 、 Z面 以及入口处的水平面,对II类自动驾驶进行评估时还会用到W*面。 W面代表着 下滑道 (Glide Path)提供引导时,在下降阶段对障碍物的高度限制。 Z面代表复飞阶段,爬升过程中对障碍物的高度限制,传统精密进近复飞面从跑道入口后900米开始计算。 X面、Y面从侧面对障碍物高度进行限制。 I类精密进近OAS面的顶端高度为300米,II类OAS面150米,因此,II类OAS面的范围会更小一些。 通常I类进近满足要求的条 …
PN 412A7111-30D, TRIM ASSY - shop.oas.aero
PN 412A7111-30D, TRIM ASSY, FN, Guaranteed best price for aircraft parts, components and consumables at Oxygen Aerospace
Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Wikipedia
The Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) are rules that are applicable to the domestic regulations a country applies to foreign investors, often as part of an industrial policy. The agreement, concluded in 1994, was negotiated under the WTO's predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and came into force ...
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