Code Data Matrix Tools - MS Word Templates
New 2024 OBC-Matrices Coming Soon. Refer to: EABO Transition Infographic on 2024 Ontario Building Code. MS Word templates for use in preparing the required Code Data Matrix for permit drawings. Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our online form.
Practice Advisory Knowledge Base - Code Data Matrix Tools
The Practice Resource Committee developed an Excel Workbook version of the Building Code Data Matrix that contains useful drop-down lists, look-ups, notes, etc. as a downloadable Tool for OAA Licensed Members and Practices.
A Building Code Data Matrix presents pertinent selected elements from a detailed code analysis to provide an overview of the key code factors of the design to municipal Building Officials and others.
These data matrices provide information crucial to the eval-uation of the permit, such as identification of occupancy type, building area, gross area and number of storeys, and whether the building is of combustible or non-combustible construction.
Appendix O – National Building Code Data Matrix - RAIC
The purpose of the matrix is to provide a standardized system for including building code-related data on a set of drawings that are submitted for building permit application. Numbers in the matrix are the relevant National Building Code (NBC) references. The matrix may be modified to suit the references in various provincial building codes.
19 (Spatial Separation – Construction of Exterior Walls - Continued ) WallArea of
Identify whether your project is an addition, alteration / renovation, and/or change of use. Check all that apply. Indicate if the subject building falls under the scope of Part 3 or Part 9 by checking the applicable box. To determine if the building is Part 3 or Part 9 refer to OBC articles and of Division A.
Ontario Building Code Data Matrix – example for reference only Property Address: ______________________________ Item Ontario Building Code Data Matrix Project Description: New Major Occupancy (s): Building Area:(m2) Gross Area: (m2)
Building OBC Data Matrix
AssignmentCode Matrix (pdf) - CliffsNotes
2024年11月22日 · The OBC (Ontario Building Code) matrix is a structured table that presents key details from the code review for development, giving municipal building authorities a quick overview of essential OBC factors that shape the project's design. It provides a framework for compiling and displaying the code review findings.